Transforming Grief into Healing

by Stacey O'Brien

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/23/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781504304160
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781504304153

About the Book

The Healer’s Workbook follows on from A kiss from an Angel, an inspirational journey through grief and the loss of a child. A story of courage and healing after the stillbirth of Gavin and Stacey O’Brien’s first son, Finn in 2002.

Stacey turned grief into a gift of healing and has shared her journey with countless nurses, midwives and students of counselling, social work and mental health for over a decade.

Realizing the health industry needed the answers to the many questions she was being asked, Stacey created The Healer’s Workbook, a gift to the many warriors who serve their clients through their hardest and darkest days of grief, death and sickness.

A special gift of self care practices in this book ensures that many levels of healing and education will be gained so that our health industry can continue to benefit from the courage and caring hearts of the angels who care for us all when we need it the most.

Stacey will challenge you to make sure that you honour and care for yourself so that healing occurs on a daily basis.

Love and Healing to All.

About the Author

Stacey O’Brien transformed grief and the stillbirth of son Finn into the healing of her heart. Sharing an inspirational journey which helps nurture reconnection after a loved one has passed. Learning to feel them with our hearts instead of our hands and to hold them deeply in our every day.