In the present, presence shines.
I am touched by all those who search, be it in anguish or in joy. More than a book on channeling, more than a book on spiritual development, this work of mine is a book on life itself.
I strive to illuminate the perspective that trance work, in any form, requires work on oneself that is revealing and in constant evolution. Inner work, by harmonizing the personality, transcends the act of channeling. The reverse is also true. Channeling, in all its variants, informs and transforms the person practicing it as well as the person receiving messages.
The first part of this book is both intimate and theoretical. A number of personal passages have been woven into the theoretical elements. I have developed it as a mapping of the path I personally traveled to open myself to my mediumistic work even though it was not my first destination. Becoming a medium was a secondary path that I discovered without having sought it out. My original itinerary was simply a spiritual one and it still is—meaning that offering messages of light is only one of many avenues that I turn to in my quest for the divine. I am not attached to that one avenue. The development of intuition is just one more tool on the journey of return to the divine self. This return led me to write about channeling, or mediumship. Throughout the book, you will find reflections, questions and exercises, humbly offered, to help with a work that is inner or sacred. In that respect, this book is for the benefit of everyone.
The second part is practical. Taking the theory of the chakras as a base, I explore several areas of life and provide a few daily practices designed to lead to spiritual awakening and prepare for trance work should you wish to devote yourself to that. Certainly, the result of all work on oneself, in looking more deeply within and being animated with a new energy, also leads to happiness, to an ease in living and to a more affirming presence, day after day. Even though my inspiration came from the chakra system, you do not need to master that system in order to profit from my advice.
Whether you are a light worker, a person consulting someone for channeling or just someone making her way along the path of the spirit, I am sharing with you ways of being and doing that can punctuate the spiritual journey like a scattering of precious stones and can prepare you for trance work if you so desire. Certain practices overlap, some lead on from one another and others mesh together. I present those that have been most helpful to me up to now. I don't know which ones are still to come.
What have been, are, or will be yours?
Take one from among those I am offering and taste it, take two and feel them both, take three, or take them all as your heart dictates. From experience, I know that all practices can be a working through leading towards redemption and a preparation for awakening as long as you don't become attached to them. In the West, the arrival is often taken for the journey, the end for the means, and the relationship with the supranatural is worshipped as if it were the ultimate relationship with God. The divine is not a being to be seduced with our prayers, our dutiful work, and our sacrifices. It is not a being outside oneself that must be conquered. It is the essence of who we are.
The aim underlying a renewed study of the chakras, or particular spheres of life, is to continue to create in oneself a fertile soil for spiritual awakening as well as a burgeoning of happiness. Awakening and happiness are most likely to happen when life has been nourished in a satisfactory way and when the heart has been refueled—in that moment right after the moment when the inner struggle was still a distraction—in that moment when the greatest serenity has been cultivated.
Linear, sequential writing is not well suited to the full expression of my creativity. Instead, I entrust the expression of my message to my intuition, to the urgings of my heart and to the sometimes erratic movements of my personal history. In the end, all will be made clear through a multiple weaving together of various concepts and different levels of writing.
Writing is one vehicle among many for transformation. It leads me back to the pleasure of being a woman and of writing in a way that is sensitive and expansive rather than informative and rationally organized. It is important for me that what I have to say be charged with feminine magnetism.
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