My Dog Has Cancer. What Can I Do?

Nola's Wellness Guide & Journey with Holistic Medicine

by Heather Diers

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/3/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781504349642
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781504349659

About the Book

While documenting Nola’s journey with cancer and holistic medicine, I gathered information that can now guide you through every stage of your dog’s cancer. After completing hundreds of hours of research and taking a great team of veterinarians’ advice, I have created an economical, cancer-fighting and immune-building protocol, for any canine (or human!) fighting cancer. I explain how cancer works in the body and how to create a cancer-killing environment with, wait for it…FOOD! How you treat the body will affect the outcome —this thought should empower you!

Although we were able to turn a “three-months-to-live” diagnosis into a year of great quality of life for our girl, I believe we could have prolonged her life even longer if we had started with the protocol with which we ended – shared in My Dog Has Cancer. What Can I Do? Nola had a fast-spreading, incurable cancer, osteosarcoma, which would not wait for me to catch up on my research. My mission is to save you time, so you can start fighting cancer immediately. The intent is not to persuade you to do exactly as we did; I also share our mistakes and changes I would consider, if faced with the same circumstances again.

This protocol should not replace the care of your veterinarian and other necessary medical providers. Always inform them of all food and supplements in your protocol, before giving them to your pet. I am not a veterinarian, but I worked closely with my veterinarian, who practices both Western and holistic medicine, while building our protocol to treat Nola’s cancer.

About the Author

Heather Beuke Diers is an artist with many areas of expertise—interior design, original art, and custom furniture. Recently she has added published author and blogger to her artistic montage by writing about her true passions in life, animals and holistic healthcare. Natural medicine is an artistic form of its own, and Heather uses a palette of herbs, spices, and essential oils to heal the body as well as the soul. She has spent years researching the best holistic cancer cures and preventions for both animals and humans.

Although Heather is an artist by trade, anyone who knows her personally thinks of her first as an animal lover and nutrition enthusiast. She understands animals benefit from proper nutrition and holistic care as much as we do, and Mother Nature gives us everything we need to prevent most diseases. Heather’s mission is to educate others on the importance of proper nutrition to heal the body.

You can follow Heather’s blog at or her Facebook page,