Unveiling the Soul

by Maridol Torres

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/2/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781504302401
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781504302395

About the Book

Unveiling the Soul presents a compilation of verses that seek to inspire and ignite our spirit, imagination, and inner knowledge. Peering into the deeper possibilities of life and their connection to the bigger picture. These poems offer insight into the countless wonders and mysteries that surround us. Catalyzing a reconnection to our instinctual self; providing comfort, solace, understanding, love, strength, and discovering ourselves filled with infinite light.

During her many years as a nurse, author Maridol Torres has provided care for the most vulnerable, and has supported many people during times of birth and transition. Due to the nature of these experiences, she began writing poetry, encompassing the rawness, pain, loss; joy, love, beauty and deeper meaning of life.

Uplifting and inspirational, this poetry collection explores the expressions of our heart and spirit; and its connection to the cosmos with destiny constantly unfolding in its wake.

Heart Aglow

Silent being
Of formless light
Kindling a glow
Brighter than the sun
Filling you with luminance
From the inside out,
And the strength
Which gives wings
To your heart.

About the Author

Maridol Torres holds a bachelor’s degree in science and has been a nurse most of her life. She owns her own business, Integral Health and Harmony, and is a HeartMath practitioner. Maridol has lived most of her life in Melbourne, Australia, but has recently moved to Hervey Bay, Queensland.