All actions are energy in motion. Words are energy with sound. There are experiments
where scientists subject bodies of water to different sounds and then freeze the water to
take photographs of the crystal structures.
Beautiful symmetrical patterns develop out of
peaceful, joyous harmonics. Loud disturbing sounds create inconsistent disorder.
Newton said for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. As you stand on the
earth, the ground responds with an equal force in the opposite direction. If it didn’t, you
would crash through the earth. If any one force is stronger than another force, the larger
force will overcome the weaker.
The same is true with personalities, emotions, words and thoughts. A strong personality
needs to be balanced by another or the weaker personality will capitulate. Not only is this
detrimental to the lesser entity, but it also damages the more powerful being because it
enables the energy to leak out and free flow without temperance.
Because thoughts are energy in motion, they can easily translate into other forms of energy
such as words or actions.
When a thought solidifies it becomes a memory. Traditional belief is that memory is stored in
the brain. Every single cell in your body contains the same memory as the next cell. The
difference between the brain and any random cell in the body is that the brain is also the
main processor of energy exchange. The brain is able to sift through memories and relocate
their structures within the body.
A memory originates from thoughts, actions and emotions. When a memory contains more
energy than a simple pixel of information, it groups with other similar memories and together
they form an e-motion. Energy in motion = e-motion.
Like attracts like. Matter attracts matter. This is a universal truth. The more similar two
pieces of matter are, the greater their affinity toward each other.
E-motions affect everything around them and vibrate energy at the particular tone or
frequency delineated by their composition. Deep sound is amplified in the belly; high tone is
magnified in the head. Each e-motion or group of similar energies that exist together will
gravitate toward a particular part of the body.
When e-motions are not free to flow because they are attached to other stagnant emotions,
they will settle in specific areas of the physical body until mobilized. If they are not mobilized
they will begin to manifest as a lack of congruence in that part of the body, and discomfort
will develop. Discomfort causes reaction, usually in the form of movement, which often
resolves the blockage. This is why exercise can feel so good and why the body responds
positively to it; because the body it is ultimately a temple of moving energy.
Energy resolution can also be achieved through mental processing. Meditation is very
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If we ignore the messages the body is sending us by failing to initiate such shifts, energy will
continue to build until injury or illness forces the situation. We set traps for energy by
invalidating this information. Sometimes we are so distracted from our bodies that we have
no awareness of the warning signs and don’t find out about an imbalance until it has become
dire. This is when medicine steps in. We can sometimes cut tumors out or heal cancer. But
until we resolve the underlying energy leaks and e-motional sources of stagnation, the
tumor, illness or injury will return.
It is widely believed that anger resides in the liver. What happens when an angry person
hurts another by way of words, actions or thoughts? Does this resolve the anger stored in
the liver? Yes and no. Yes, it gets some angry energy out. But does it dissolve the anger?
No. Does it transfer the anger to the next person? Absolutely. Being angry at the world hurts
There has to be an equal and opposite reaction. Either someone will take on that anger and
ultimately retransmit it, or it can be met with an equal and opposite amount of love, which will
neutralize the energy. There is an infinite amount of love in this universe. A tear of anger
doesn’t last long in the ocean of love.
This is why love is the answer to everything. Not romantic, happy love, but love as the
universal entity. Love that is life, love that is you, me, everything that is and will be. If you
realize that you are only passing through this state of humanness as an expression of the
existence of love, you will have no option but to abandon all ego and live your life in a loving