I have never trained as a healer in the traditional sense as some would recognise such as Reiki Healing or other training, but as a qualified counsellor, life coach and medium I have seen and experienced the power of healing at work. I have always been unconventional in the way I deal with things and healing has been no different. I once went along to a healing workshop a few years ago to try and learn something about the way healing worked. When it was my turn I tuned into the psychic energy of the person and could pick up areas of darkened energy and I really wasn’t sure if what I was sensing was right I asked my guide to let me know. They confirmed what I was seeing and then added a bit more about troubles that were going on in the person’s life. This was the first time I had ever done anything like this so I just blurted it out to the person I was working with. The shocked look on her face was apparent as she said to me yes, how could you possibly know that? I shared with her that I asked my guide and I was then rather curtly told by the teacher that how I was working was completely wrong! Now I am not saying that the teacher was wrong but I would say that to me if something works then go with it. I may have been a little rough around the edges but I would have enjoyed the chance to learn more but was then put off going any further because of the teacher’s remarks. I never went back to any healing workshops after that. Interestingly I have been given many messages from other mediums saying I should work as a healer but I never did anything more. Now that I am thinking back to that experience I realise it was helpful for me even though I didn’t think so at the time. When I work as a counsellor I see people that are having physical symptoms such as a bad back who tell me about feeling over burdened with responsibility, or even in my own life I am writing this whilst healing. I know that I needed to rest but didn’t listen and ended up breaking my foot and having to rest which ironically led to me finally writing this book! In other words physical symptoms are a result of two things, firstly a reaction to your thought’s as the law of attraction will bring to you what you are focused on whether it is good or bad. Secondly it is also about the choices you made before you came to the physical earth plane. When I was in the healing workshop I could see from what my guide was showing me that the lady I was working with was having heart palpitations because of an experience she was going through, in other words she was reacting to something that was happening in her life. In another experience whilst working with a client I could see that the light was leaving their eyes as the thought trails were tailing off, or they were preparing to go home to spirit. Both of these people wanted healing and wanted help. The lady who needed healing could have been helped by counselling and coaching to guide and support her to move into a more positive mind frame. The gentleman who had a difficult illness was having a different experience; I could see he was having the experience he chose before he came to the physical. I knew that he was searching for the understanding of who he was and often it is in under extreme circumstances that we do the most soul searching. The difference between the two of them in short then is one was out of balance because of their reaction to life, the other was having a life experience chosen before they came to the earth plane. Some may say I would never choose to have a disease such as cancer or put myself through an accident that would be disabling but that is exactly what you do if you want to grow your soul’s experience. Remember from the spiritual realm this is an illusion created by yourself to give you these experiences and you know that on passing you will exit the thought trials and you will not have any illness or disabilities and if you don’t exit the thought trial completely it is a choice that you have and when you wish to you will realign completely into wellbeing. I have said previously that in spirit, masters hold you in a vison of perfect wellness. They do not fight anything and only see wellness and that is the basis of healing here on earth too. The only true way to help anyone is to hold them in a vison of perfect wellness. The greater your level of alignment to unconditional love you have the easier it is to allow healing energy to flow to someone asking for healing. I have been asked why some people are not healed no matter how much healing they receive and still pass to spirit. There are some people who are choosing to go through the experience and there are some who are so out of alignment that they go down a negative pathway and cannot bring themselves up enough to receive the healing being sent to them. These are both times when healing is ineffective to halt the passing. I would add here that all healing helps even if you think it doesn’t. Although you may not be able to change the situation, the loving energy sent to someone either in person or by distance healing will have an effect to a certain degree. It may only be a slightly better feeling in the person who is sick but it will help ease their suffering a little and that is worth remembering. Just to clarify here, you can leave your earthly existence or what we would term in the physical ‘die’ early, before the time you agreed in spirit before you came, but you cannot extend passed the agreed time. There is a misconception that some people who have committed suicide and left early will somehow be condemned. This is not the case. They have merely moved so out of alignment that they have all but extinguished the light from their soul. They cannot completely distinguish it and they will be loved unconditionally by their angel and soul family as they make their transition to spirit. They go through exactly the same transition process as we all do. The only difference is when they reflect in spirit on their life time in the physical and realise that they went through those experiences as a choice, they may then choose to come back again in the same circumstances to see if they can gain more growth by completing their allotted time so to speak. As to how healing works I have said that you have to hold someone in a vision of perfect wellness and your intention is to clarify your thoughts first to aligning with perfect wellness. The second is to be the best conductor of energy that you can be and that means by working on your own instrument or body and attuning yourself through meditation. I said earlier that when I was meditating I had no intention of becoming a medium but my guides knew I had chosen that path way. Some people who are working as healers already know that healing is their pathway and the best way to perfect their art is to fully align in meditation with their guides and the reason to endeavour to be at one with your guides is that they do all the healing work. You are merely a conduit to extend their energy which holds us in perfect wellness. They will know exactly what is required for the person that is being healed and will be using the healer’s body as a conductor to allow the energy to flow into the person asking for healing. I may add that you can do this for yourself as well if you can train yourself to accept whatever illness you have and ask to be shown how you may link with your guide to attune to that wellness. So to answer how does healing work. The master healers in sprit work with the healer to flow their energy through the physical body of the healer into the physical body of the person needing to heal. The more aligned the healer the more energy can course through them. When the healer is so highly attuned and an example would be a master such as Jesus, he would have been able because of his highly attuned ability to see complete wholeness of the sick person and heal them with his direct connection to the higher energies of spiri