Amongst our chaotic daily routines and smiling social faces we often loose out on the most precious inner person within us; our “Real Self”. The unique individual that resides within us with its inimitable potential and essence of “Living the real Life.” I would have never embarked on my journey of self discovery and “real” happiness had I not met my Life Coach and Mentor for Life Mr. Abid Bilal, who not only transformed me as a person but made me align with my most beautiful inner self and with the potential that lies hidden beneath layers of society, learning’s, culture and our environment. With this book, I share some of those life changing eruditions with all of you written in a simple and engaging fashion. Understanding we all have extremely demanding lives, I have laid out the book in 52 chapters (or pearls), whereby with each pearl I share with you a life changing lesson, a principal that has helped me unleash my “Real Self”. Feel free to pick up the book at any time and start from wherever you like. The illustrations embedded in the book are to connect with the more visual mind, for them to be able to feel my thoughts and see through them within the meaning reflected in each portrait.
These are the 52 steps that you will take in your own exceptional journey of “Self – Discovery” with me over the course of this book.
1. Happiness - Achieve it
2. Choose To Be Happy
3. Thinking- Our Capital Asset
4. Happiness - The State of Mind
5. Bitter Trials in Life - Blessings
6. Let God Deal with Things
7. Build with the Bricks Thrown at You
8. Dare to be Powerful, Unleash Your Real Strength
9. Identify Your Unique Purpose
10. Mysterious Ways of Life
11. Open your Eyes, Look Within
12. Unearth Life with Simplicity
13. Live the Real Life.
14. Desire- The Inner Calling
15. Self acceptance is Self-Love
16. Solitude - The Real Power of Companionship
17. Achieve the Great
18. Think You Can and You Will
19. Choose Mental Liberation
20. Say No to Comfort Zones, Yes to Life
21. Opportunities- Create Them
22. Believe it Can be Done and It Will
23. Realize Your Talents and Celebrate Them
24. Give without Remembering, Take without Forgetting
25. One Life to Live
26. Moments of Life, Live them Today
27. Do Anything, Not Everything
28. Life, Create it Yourself
29. Keep Going - Fight the Darkness
30. Discover Your Challenge Zone
31. Reaction to Problem is the Real Problem
32. Conquer or Get Conquered
33. Just Express It
34. Take Pride in Yourself
35. Knowledge & Wisdom; Achieve Mindfulness
36. Change Your Perspective to Change Your World
37. Success- Unceasing Discipline
38. Success Demands Change
39. Hard Work Attracts Luck
40. Seek Life within the Unknown
41. Let Life Chase You
42. Mastery of Fear, Not Absence of Fear
43. Negative Energy of Others; Your Vitality
44. Control Your Emotions, Control Your Life
45. Leave the Good- Achieve the Great
46. The Only Way for Success
47. Evolve Your Excellence
48. Lead a Life of Passion
49. Words; Our Greatest Forte & Foe
50. True Acceptance is True Love
51. Positive Mind, Positive Life
52. Practice; Master the Art of Living
I leave it to the reader to either indulge in the book all at once or engage with me within the book in a year long expedition of “Self Discovery”. Each pearl (or chapter) of the book is designed for a week, such that at the beginning of every week (preferably Sunday), you will unwind while reading one chapter, along with which you will sit with your own inner self and honestly answer the “Self Analysis” questions at the end of each chapter. This weekly seclusion with yourself is critical to be able to hear and comprehend your most precious inner voice. Throughout the week, you will consciously apply the principle absorbed in your daily professional and personal life documenting your thoughts in the “Personal Notes” section. With every pearl engaging you with a week of self analysis and self awakening, gradually you will experience a transformation within yourself as the journey of “Discovering your Real Self” progresses over the course of the 52 Weeks with one pearl for one week. In this year of self unearthing you will realize how embracing every pearl unleashes a layer from your real and most beautiful soul, unbridling the most simple and beautiful life you deserve to live, in a matter of weeks. (#52pearlsoflife)