Healing with Poetry
Book Details
About the Book
Poems for the Healing of One Mind
Healing with Poetry is the result of divine inspiration. After several years of following A Course in Miracles, a non-dualistic spiritual teaching, I took a deep dive into it. I have since developed a strong connection to divine within the mind and follow the guidance.
I'm now being guided daily during forgiveness work to receive insights for my own healing. Many of these insights came through meditation by way of poetry. I also recognize that my own healing is everyone’s healing, as all is one forever in divine.
Each of these poems represents an authentic experience in the moment and speaks directly to the soul, bypassing the conscious mind.
These poems are helping me recognize various areas within the unconscious mind and bringing light to darkness. I am becoming more aware of who I truly am and that only love is real. I recognize that peace and happiness are here right now, regardless of external circumstances. By sharing these poems, I hope they will do the same for you and bring happiness.
About the Author
Kira Redman is A Course in Miracles student, an aspiring poet, a medical intuitive, and a financial professional. She lives on Long Island, New York, with her husband and daughter.