A New Thought Journey through the 12 Steps

by Karen Linsley MA

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/1/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781504331722
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781504331715

About the Book

If you have ever struggled with the language in twelve-step programs, struggle no more! This book offers a way through the concepts offered in twelve-step programs without the traditional language. Power is gained and kept by living in steps ten, eleven, and twelve. Take this journey and find joy and happiness that you never dreamed possible.

“Karen Linsley has taken a message which has helped literally millions of people and reworded it into an easy-to-read process that anyone can use to change their life. I would highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to change their life.”

—Casey J. Gryba, MA, DD

Director of Centers Assistance Program

Centers for Spiritual Living

“Karen’s work lends an invaluable perspective to those who have followed the twelve-step route into New Thought spirituality. She offers a practical, twenty-first century interpretation of a proven model for living in an accessible, down-to-earth way. The thoughts and ideas that she shares are inspired companionship for anyone walking this path.”

—Rev. Jeff Anderson, MA

“Rev. Karen Linsley brings a keen insight and the lightness of humor to those on the path to recovery from addiction. Her many years of experience in twelve-step recovery blended with New Thought teachings is refreshing and hopeful.”

—Rev. Diane Decker, MA

About the Author

Karen Linsley, MA, is a respected speaker and workshop facilitator. She holds a master’s degree in consciousness studies from Holmes Institute and currently serves as spiritual leader of the Center for Spiritual Living in Carson City, Nevada. The Nevada native is currently celebrating twenty-eight years of joyous recovery. She lives in Minden, Nevada, with her dog and two cats. She also has a horse named Sonny Q, who lives just down the road a ways. She has owned and operated a photography business since 1987, and she now also owns a counseling business. This is her first book.