Beyond the Law of Attraction was firstly a workshop I wrote due to what I had observed as some people’s “missed” interpretation of the law. I found many were judging themselves wrong or bad, believing they had attracted all that they perceived negative into their lives. Others were quick to call another into account stating “What did you do, and why, to attract that into your life?” Making yourself, or another, wrong I seriously doubt was the intention of those in the past who have written about this universal law. And it was not created for that purpose. I call this a missed interpretation or a missed understanding. The time is ripe for the lessons of laws beyond this one law.
I have no need to write this book other than for it to make a difference, a positive difference. If it can make that difference for just one person and even if that one may only be me, my time has been well spent. I seek to look honestly to myself and my motives for writing this book. Is it ego or spirit that is the motivator? Perhaps it is both, yet I know when I am ‘on a roll’ there is no sign of ego just the joy of being the voice of my spirit. A voice needing and wanting to manifest in word for myself and perhaps another, the joy of knowing and being In Spirit, living a life in joy rather than pain.
I know that many are in pain physically, mentally and emotionally. Many have serious human health issues, have been abused and left traumatised by a life experience or the brutality at the hands of another.
I am not here to minimize, trivialize or suggest in any way that you attracted that to you. In fact I am here to state those who do, do so from a lack of understanding of other natural and universal laws in play impacting our lives in many and various ways. Spirituality for me is not another religion to make you feel wrong or bad about yourself. I’m aware of the impact certain belief systems can have on peoples lives. We are powerful beings because of our Creator and our creation. (See Chapter on Law of Creation) We can see heaven or hell and make our lives so. There is much evidence all around us through the lives of others as to the reality of this. Yet there are also situations out of our control that we are not responsible for or had ‘attracted.’
I share here what I know, my experiences and how I understand and interpret spirituality, Divine Source and Universal Laws and Principles. Laws and Principles that I believe have been put into place for the human journey. In sharing I hope to awaken each human individual to the other part of their Self. A Self that is perfect, created perfectly. Knowing that the wisdom for each individual resides; within. At the same time to come to the realization that all is and has a divine order, purpose and time. May you come to know that all has been created in balance and harmony for each of us and our life journey experience.
It is the loving of everyone I work with and all who is another part of me that I wish to share what I know, what I have been given, what are my insights and interpretations of The Law of Attraction and Beyond. By knowing these better perhaps more can have a joyous and happy life, knowing everything and everyone is being beautifully looked after. And knowing all is in Divine Order.
There is so much joy for me when a client or student of mine recognizes or realizes the abundant information and help Divine Source has provided. Information provided for their self realization as each reconnects in awareness to their divine nature. And the self realization of the power within us all that is not only personal power but spiritual in nature.
As a teacher past and present I know we all learn differently. We take in information and interpret it differently and thereby come to understand differently. Some know and understand the Law of Attraction just as it has been presented to them. Some may benefit from a different perspective. I give it here
I share my understanding, insights and knowledge of these Universal Laws and the effects of them on us all in the human condition. It is my perspective, through my eyes, mind and experiences that I offer here. Take them as you will, for you are free to do so.
Whenever I teach spirituality whether in a workshop, class situation or in a one to one session I begin with a Buddha quote for I wish to convey my respect for each person’s right of choice.
This is also an acknowledgement of where each person is at. Where they are regarding their understanding of any information, their life experience and the knowledge they already have on any subject matter from their personal perspective.
“Believe nothing,
No matter where you read it,
Or who said it,
No matter if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense.”
Dr. Elizabeth Conway.
Have you heard of The Secret and The Law of Attraction? Do you understand what ‘The Secret’ is? You may know or have heard of The Law of Attraction. Have you been able to implement it? Do you want to KNOW the WHAT and HOW of The Law of Attraction?
What if you could understand AND implement both into your life and MORE! There are so many more Universal Laws beyond The Law of Attraction.
Have you ever wanted to know more about the Universe and Universal Laws? Have you ever wanted to be able to work with Universal Laws, to create a successful life experience? Are you a serious student of spirituality? Are you interested in connecting with your spirituality? This book will not only teach you Universal Spiritual Concepts it will also empower you with knowledge from understanding. Knowledge that is beyond what you currently know. For this book is all about understanding better how you create your life both positively and negatively. By understanding more fully, perhaps even more clearly you will be able to negotiate your life within these Universal Laws to fulfil your needs, wants and desires for yourself. When you gain a fuller understanding of Universal Laws you will be able to better create a happier and more joy filled life experience. One you not only wish or want for your self but the wonderful life you deserve.
In this book you will learn of 3 Universal Laws that will help you better understand the workings of The Law of Attraction. These three laws each impact the Law of Attraction in their own unique way. One law that partners The Law of Attraction creating the environment for attraction, another powering it and the third effectively propels what you want to you.
Also included in this book are other Universal Laws that will help you better know and understand the power you have to create the life of your choosing.
It is time to re-establish, revisit and reconnection with some other Universal Laws and Principles beyond the Law of Attraction. To come to see and learn how each can and does effect and enhance your life and this journey called life. Just as there are Natural Laws governing the order of your physical world there are Universal Laws governing your higher or spiritual self beyond the physical experience.
The laws of the universe exist for your benefit. They govern the human realm maintaining balance and harmony. The laws are there to support the human journey. They do not dictate the journey. You do. You can do that from your human nature or from and with your spiritual self, your Higher Self nature. This Higher Self is one with Divine Source. The Divine Source that is Pure and Unconditional Love, loving you at all times, seeing you only and always as you were created in the beginning, perfectly.
Divine Source Love, loving unconditionally each one of us, sees no judgement, wanting only the best for us. This is how you too can be for your self and for others. Be none judgemental and love all unconditionally.
Many avoid taking responsibility for their actions when those actions