As human beings we invariably do anything and everything, but spend time with the Self. Often we are lost in thought, as we get distracted with all the flurry of daily living and earning our keep, believing it to be our purpose. We seek fulfillment in finding the right partner, having a family, acquiring wealth, fame and so on, but does this give us lasting happiness? We are always striving for more, but does the more give us peace of mind?
We live our lives through a roller coaster ride of emotions, and experience pain and suffering along the way but why do we have to suffer? As we look around us in our families, communities and globally, we see what appears to be a never-ending cycle of conflict and turmoil. Why can’t we all live in harmony one with the other? Our environment has not been spared either, as we continually pollute the air, water and the earth. Why do we willing destroy our habitat?
We have tried in countless ways to resolve these issues by coming up with new and exciting ways of living, but to no avail. We don’t need more analysis nor do we need more knowledge or technological advancement. The only thing that will save us is more wisdom. Wisdom is not something that can be acquired through book knowledge alone, but rather it is experienced from a place of inner stillness.
This book has been written from the heart and through life’s experiences an inner Being is revealed. Its wisdom is simple and yet profound, it changes the way we view life and everything in it. This is not an isolated story. We all hold the key that will unlock the door to greater awareness. The aim of this book is to invite you to look at your life in a new way, so that you may realize your full potential.
The Eternal Life that is present in everything is known by many names and in a multitude of forms according to the belief and custom. Throughout is book various terms have been used to describe the Divinity such as the Self, Being, I am that, All that is or as many would call it – God. It is acknowledged that the word God may for some readers have a varied meaning with regard to their understanding and experience of the Divinity. When reading please take this opportunity to apply what this means for you to enrich your experience.
Life brings with it many opportunities to learn, grasp the opportunity with both hands and delve deeply into your inner most being. There in lies the beauty and majesty that is Truth, in its pristine glory, there are no boundaries or limitations placed upon it. Indeed you are given every opportunity to explore this vast and timeless Self. Drink deeply and quench your thirst.
Humanity is going to make the quantum leap from where we are now on a conscious level, to opening the door to a totally new way of Being. It is simply the change from being led by the ego mind, to allowing the Self to take the reins.
What you think you are, so you become…
From a not so extraordinary beginning…
In many ways I have lived an ordinary life, filled with the mundane happenings, really not much to say, save that it was a comfortable and secure up bringing. I wanted for nothing in material possessions, though we were not rich by worldly standards. Nor did I aspire to climb lofty heights either academically, or in the corporate arena in which I found myself. In fact, it would be truthful to say, I really didn’t know what it was that I wanted to do in life, and without a purpose I just fell into a vocation of convenience.
My family influenced my earlier years. I was born an only child, with no siblings, or cousins near my age. By nature I was more inwardly focused right from the start. My Mother told me that as a toddler, I had an imaginary friend, called ‘Boy’. According to Mother, Boy was very real to me, any time we would go to the cinema, or I would be given some special treat apparently, I insisted on Boy having what ever it was too.
As an adult this often puzzled me, as I had no recall on Boy. Was I seeing a spirit child? Or was it something else? Finally I found my answer through reading. Apparently it is not uncommon for a child who is raised without the companionship of other children to have an imaginary friend. The Self is the imaginary friend and it is the child’s dialogue between the ego mind and the Self. Thankfully, that’s one mystery solved!
And so it was that I mixed with adults, and in many ways, I was older in years then those of a similar age. I greatly respected those who were my senior, and learned much from their stories and gentle ways, but as with all families also from their not so appealing ways.
I have never been one for partying. And truth to be known, I am quite content to be at home, probably more the homely type. Keeping very much to myself, I prefer to stand back and observe, never one to stand out in the crowd, just quiet and unassuming.
There is another side to me of course, one of creativity, fun and laughter. I do love to be in and around nature, and find it is so inspiring. I derive enormous pleasure from just looking at the simplest of things like a dew drop glistening in the sunlight, and seeing its colors reflect their own unique, but transitory beauty. I am also drawn to places of natural beauty, and can stand for hours just looking on in wonder and in awe at nature’s rich and vast tapestry. Feeling the earth’s energy beneath my feet and wondering, who is watching me?
Do you remember that classical statue where the naked man is sitting on a rock, with his arm resting on one knee and this head being supported by his hand, whilst he is deep in thought? Well, that's me, but in a female form, pondering the imponderable until the answer comes. In fact some of my best insights have come this way. I like nothing better than to sit and contemplate the meaning of life. There is little point in arguing about what is right or wrong, it just simply is.
And so begins the real story, I love life and everything about it. Whilst others have sought to learn how to earn a living, I have rather sought to learn how to live. There is far more to living than just earning your keep, have you ever wondered, who am I? And in fact, can you ever really know who ‘I’ is? Welcome to the world of endless possibilities, the more you look the more you will find.
So, how did this inner search all begin, what life experiences have I had along the way that have made me who I am today? One might wonder. As I have time now, I will share with you some of my experiences, some are simple enough. Some are truly remarkable, whilst others are beyond words.
Everything in life has meaning, no matter how insufficient it may first appear. In life there are no happen chances, all life experiences teach us more about who we truly are, at least that is what I have observed over time.