Journaling Through Awakening

An Inner Voyage to the Remembrance of Who You Are

by Vince Alexandre

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/20/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781982211950
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781982211943

About the Book

In 2013, I embarked on a process of spiritual awakening. My perception of everything I had known until that point was challenged by an energy greater than me. Imagine how shocking it is to realize that you are not your body and that your energy extends in ways and to places unknown to your mind. I was lost. I was scared. I was determined to find myself again. Was I crazy, or in the middle of a spiritual crisis? I felt like I was suspended in mid-air trying to put my feet back on the ground. I had to recover, I had to realign and surrender. One day, it all became clear. I am here to make a difference and so are you. Are you ready to embark with me on a journey to the discovery of who you truly are?

About the Author

Vince Alexandre is a lightworker from Canada who was prompted by the spiritual realm to pursue his passion and purpose for the healing of mankind through the heart. Growing up in a small town and being bullied during most of his high school years, Vince’s quest to self-love began at the age of 16 when he turned to spirituality to understand his differences and overcome the suffering he was experiencing. After undergoing a potentially life-threatening spiritual crisis that lasted for nearly a year at the age of 20, it’s with courage, tenacity and determination that Vince has faced his struggles, has recovered from the ashes of his past and has been born anew. After a series of transformative healings, Vince started to grasp the extent of his abilities, started believing in himself again and quickly felt the urge to share his gifts with the world. In his professional life, Vince has worked in a variety of fields, such as : journalism, spiritual coaching and healing, customer service, as well as caregiving. Vince is a firm believer of the Eternal Flame and the Infinite Wisdom that lies within each of us, and it is his job to help awaken this sometimes dormant power through coaching, readings and spiritual healings, all the while tapping into the Universal energies of the Source. It is the sincere desire of this young, but wise spiritual warrior to empower you to become the one you truly are behind the fear, anxiety, confusion and uncertainty. He has gained wisdom through his experiences and now feels inclined to share the Divine knowledge with fellow awakening souls. He keeps learning everyday from the best school there is – the School of Life.