SOURCE: In the beginning, there was you. Until you were, nothing mattered. Traffic was unimportant, family fights didn’t affect you, haircuts and bad hair days… forgotten homework and skinned knees… none of it was important. Money, getting a job, losing a job, loss of dignity, life, health, home... Friends weren’t, food didn’t, weather couldn’t affect…
And then things came together. Literally, the energy of the universe.
In the beginning, and I mean the beginning of time as you understand it, there was no need for a play-book. There was nothing: even Adam and Eve were an upcoming creation, not yet even thought of. The beginning of the universe, this galaxy, this solar system―very specifically this solar system―are all creations of thought. My thought, which in turn means your thought. Somewhere in the very first moments of “our” thoughts was a decision that new beginnings shouldn’t saunter in like a fog on a cold morning but with a boom! A bang! An explosion of energy so powerful that if there were anyone or anything around to witness its birth, they would truly be in awe.
That is what we were going for. I believe we absolutely achieved that. The idea of the WOW factor in creation continued forth with most of what we now consider commonplace. Only in very few instances has it reverted to a calm, quiet flow of energy.
Creating a child, a human life― the energy packed in the creation of a single person is enough to begin another solar system, and really is a microcosm of the cosmos. Humans, and I am generalizing, take life and the process too lightly. The act of making love should be truly considered making love. A human being is literally an encasement, a package, a container of pure love! Human beings have become tainted by their disregard for the wonder and miracle of their lives.
Take into consideration this moment.
You actively do this by sitting quietly and immersing yourself in this very thought: you awoke this morning. More incredulous, you trustingly lay down to rest, not likely thinking about whether you would rise again this morning. And to top it all off, you didn’t make any decisions to awaken, to sleep, to breathe. Your beautiful encasement did the monstrous job of doing all of this for you and more in the moments leading up to, during, and even after this has been read.
That’s a lot to consider.
I’ll give you a moment with it.
For some reason when we become parents on earth, attention to the wonder splits. Suddenly, you aren’t just you any longer. Even if you have married, you are for the first time two people. I am not referring to the mother and wife or father and husband. You are now guardian to another life. You are more important than you have ever been and you treat it as if you are less. The bliss of parenthood is diminished greatly by the energy surrounding it―the thought energy that the only important thing in your world now is the baby.
Some people fall to the other side of this spinning top, and put their husband or wife before the baby or themselves.
Healthy living requires that you give yourself exactly what you need first! That has nothing to do with designer clothing or gourmet desserts, by the way. I am merely suggesting that you focus on your encasement first. You will do disservice to the small being of light in your care by putting them first. An awareness of their needs is crucial, but if you ignore your body, your temple, your physical contribution, you will perish early leaving them to fend for themselves.
Even grown children need the mother and father.
Looking back through your life from this moment, take in the important facets your parents bestowed upon you. Some of your parents were biologicals and some were adoptive “step-ins” who filled the spot willingly or begrudgingly to give you direction and skills. Many of you have several parents who had nothing at all to do with your at home life, but who have given you tools and skills and positioned your mind to do great things. It is no one person’s job to be everything to anyone, so be grateful and accepting of help from others.
Sometimes the great thing we have to offer is no more than bringing in the next generation. No contribution is too small. We are talking about human life. Much non-human life is dependent upon human life to exist, and therefore you are very, very important. The symbiotic relationships you take for granted or don’t even recognize keep you alive, and curious.
So in conclusion, for the moment, you are incredibly important. Your play-book will consist of many positions, and your team members will be filling most of those positions.
It is no one person’s job to be all of the positions.
And one cannot play the game alone.