In the past, there was a girl, she has silky smooth golden long hair, blue eyes, and has a very beautiful attractive smile, her name’s Suzy. She loves butterflies so much, and she has dreamed about saving one of the butterflies as her close friend, and flying with her everywhere.
In one moonlit night, the girl had fallen down on her bed, then she tried to come back to her bed and sleep again. In the morning she woke up, and she heard somebody telling her: "wake up sleepyhead" So she opened her eyes, then she shouted "help, help" She had thought that it was a monster, but it spoke to Suzy again, and said: "Hold down please". Suzy has seen nice colors behind the monster, she has found herself in a garden, and has worn a beautiful dress, which has many bright colors, so she asked it: "Who are you?"
The monster said: "My name is Jane, I’m a butterfly" Suzy was shocked and said: "What" Jane repeated what she said: "I’m Jane, I’m a butterfly". Suzy was staring at Jane while she said: "Am I dreaming? I should wake up". Jane answered: "No, you always called me to be your friend and to fly together, do you remember?"
Suzy couldn’t understand, and she felt thirsty. Suzy: "Could I have some water please". Jane turned a leaf towards Suzy’s mouth that made some of the dew drops fell down in her mouth. Suzy thanked Jane, and she said: "You told me I always called you to be my friend and to fly together". Jane: Yes, you did. Suzy: "But I was just dreaming and imagining". Jane: Yeah, that is right, what do you need more than a specific dream, and your passion, you have dreamed about me every day for a long time. Suzy: Oh, no. My father also dreams about money every day, he always says I need a lot of money since several years ago, but he is still a poor man. Jane: Dear Suzy, let’s go together and see what your father is doing today. Suzy: That sounds great, but how? Jane: We are going to fly to school where he works, so hold your hand with mine. Suzy: Yeah, that is exactly what I want.
While they were flying Suzy saw everything in her city very big, and it was the first time that Suzy has seen her city from above. Her father is the history teacher. After 30 minutes, they arrived.
Jane: That is your father’s school, isn’t it? Suzy: Yes, it is. Jane: Now, we are going to enter inside the school. They had entered, and had looked for her father then found him in the teachers’ room. They stood up on a shelf bookcase, when her father and another teacher were speaking.
Her father: I have to pay a lot of money this month for the taxes and the bills, so I can’t make savings this month, too, my job is not useful to make big savings money. Another teacher: There are vacancies in one of the universities, you can fill up their application, you have a good experience. They will give you a good salary, and you can make saving money. Her father: Yes, I know, one of them is in the history book library of the university, but this means I will start as a beginner. Another teacher: Why not? I am going to fill up their application, when I was a child I had a dream, I am a professor, I used to play with my friends as a professor and my friends were students in a university. Her father: This means you will begin as a beginner!!! Another teacher: It is the first step towards my dream. Her father: It is a wonderful idea. Another teacher: Thanks. What about you? What is the first step towards your dream? Her father: Ah, maybe I should find a good job. Another teacher (Lol): That means that you will begin as a beginner.
Her father was shocked. Another teacher (has continued): Or love your job, and develop your skills so you will earn more money. Her father: You’re right. Another teacher: How much money would you like to make? Her father: I would like to make a lot of money. Another teacher: I think, you should be more specific. If you have lots of money, what would you like to do? Her father: I would like to buy a big house. Another teacher: Fantastic, think about that and put your plan for it. Sorry, I have to go to my class. Her father: Oh yeah, so do I. Thank you and go ahead. Another teacher: You too.