- Do you have dreams of a different life? I did!
- Do you dream you had a marriage to a kind, considerate husband? However, you are stuck in a miserable, abusive marriage and can see no way out. Your partner is spending both of your incomes. You have children, responsibilities, bills, etc.
- Do you think as a single woman, you can’t do many things without a man?
- Do you feel trapped in a job you can hardly muster the energy to get up and go to every day ? Perhaps you are having problems with your boss, you feel unappreciated and would like to quit but you need the money.
- Do you read very slow, misspell words, reverse numbers and letters?
- You would like to be an artist but that’s a luxury.
- Do you dream of travel to foreign countries to learn about their culture?
- The answer? Win the lottery then things would be different but …
You get the idea … there just isn’t any way you can even afford to dream, let alone think about how you can make your dreams come true. I know where you are, I was there, I was all the above. So what can you do? Where or how do you start?
First, I know I must make changes in my life. I’m nobody special, don’t have connections with anyone, have very little money and have no idea where or how to begin but I will! I don’t want to turn 60 or 70 years old and say “I wish I had ….. ” It is up to me, God has given me a brain, I thank my father for teaching me how to use it. Now it was up to me to figure out how to make these dreams come true.
Being open to possibilities, you can change your life. Anything is possible, it’s not going to be easy and support won’t always be there for you. For me, there were struggles, a few failures and unexpected things that happened, some great, some a little frightening, all unforgettable experiences. Perhaps, this book will give you ideas on how you too can change your life. Maybe it will give you the courage, inspiration, strength, some skills and ideas on how you can make your dreams come true. It will also teach you how to make positive changes by helping you change your thinking in how you approach challenges in your life. Please remember, anything is possible - but you have to want change, ask God for help, then figure out how you are going to make it happen.
This is a diary account of my life. I have had an adventurous, wonderful, exciting life and would like to share the second half of my life story with you. By using the ability God gave all of us to work hard and think creatively, we can change our lives to the life we want. I’ve included color pictures of interesting, different people, places and happenings. Although they look different, in every location the people were friendly. Most of all, I hope it will help you to enjoy the life you want to live. WE CAN because WE THINK WE CAN. This is my adventure with life.