The creative Fire at the beginning continues to spew forth the evolution of life in the whole universe. We will explore Tending the Fire on planet Earth. Astonishingly, everything was created in the beginning and has been flaring forth for billions of years. The Old Testament tells us, “In the beginning was the word.” I interpret this as the Fire of the mind. Our experiences, synchronicities, ecstatic moments, beginnings and endings are the particles and quantum waves of energy and information.
Science tells us that the universe, and time itself, has a beginning in the big bang about 15 billion years ago. Stephen Hawking suggests that the big bang marks the instant that the universe began and all the matter started to expand. All forces or energy were unified at that time, from the beginning.
We see that spirit, spirituality, is the Fire element and the light in quantum fields. Light and movement are what everything is. We need to heal, body, mind and emotion particles within the Fire of archetypes behind all of life. Why does light heal? Archetypal light is unconditional love. The universe is a living presence of mystical experiences letting us experience wholeness, purpose and direction.
Our deepest hold back and fear is that we are powerful beyond measure and it frightens us. Playing small doesn’t serve the world. And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others.
Intelligence is the ability to respond to information. And, … our cells have come from the stars of other galaxies and solar systems. We are literally beings of the heavens and anything that has happened in the universe is embedded in our cellular consciousness. Do you have a highly developed spiritual intelligence? Check out the following indications of how a highly developed spiritual intelligence shows up in how we live our daily lives:
- The capacity to be flexible
- High degree of self-awareness
- Capacity to face and use suffering
- Capacity to face and transcend pain
- The quality of being inspired by vision and values
- Reluctance to cause unnecessary harm
- A tendency to see the connections between diverse things, i.e., being holistic
- A marked tendency to ask deep questions and to seek fundamental answers
- Possessing a facility for working against convention
- Spirit touches us in every cell of our bodies, minds, emotional and energetic bodies
Body and psyche (mind/soul, psychological self) reveal marvelous information about our health and well-being. The body helps us unearth revelations through our physical symptoms and body sensations, especially apparent in the belly, heart, throat and head. Our psyche reveals itself through the energetic domain of symbols, metaphors and dreams. Spirit, those quantum waves of consciousness, joy, light and unconditional love is nudging us all the time! Spirit may nudge, whisper, surprise us with symbols, metaphor, speech, synchronicities, chance meetings, phone calls, dreams, beginnings and endings, winning and losing, birth and death.
We can experience change from a consciousness of victim or creator. As a victim we feel/think someone did something to us. We project and blame. From a consciousness of creator, we take a deep breath, and feel gratitude, love and peace. To be a creator means to have a deep understanding of our role in the cosmic unfolding, not just the Earth. This is where our intuition has the capacity to come through body, mind, emotion or spirit consciousness. We need to remind ourselves again of the ancient Law of One, holism and the interconnectedness of life in our work with consciousness and intuition. Like sacred mirrors, the all reflects everything on every level in the universe, i.e., the oneness of all.
I feel that spirit likes to surprise me with big breakthroughs. After meditating, I received the very clear message that every person and event in my life was to teach me to be independent. I am an Aries. One of the main archetypal qualities of Aries is independence. I am now re-looking at every one of my big life changes; absent father at birth, childhood chaos and a divorce many years ago. I had forgotten that my soul had created my life choices. Humanly, I had knock out punches at the time, and retreated into victim consciousness, anger and hopelessness.
Let’s now approach the three big archetypes we all experience in coming to the Earth plane from other realms: Birth, Death, and Rebirth. When our soul prepares to come to Earth, parents, siblings, experiences, and gifts that we want to give are lovingly assigned to us in the soul dimension. Then we forget. Birth patterns are a place to explore in times of beginnings, endings, change, surrender, and struggle. Let’s look at our birth as a pattern for later experiences of CHANGE, remembering that body, mind, emotion and spirt are always reflecting energy in the eternal hologram of the Life/Death archetypes of Birth, Death, and Rebirth. Cellular memories from our peri-natal and birthing experiences are the imprints that can determine our approach to big change.
Spiritually, life is sacred. What we do for others, we do for ourselves … we are each other. We are each healing ourselves as well as our families through gift giving. Giving and receiving can be skewed for many reasons. Our best giving continues to grow and glow as we stand in our light. We know we are spiritual beings doing Earth time. We are here by choice. We keep on growing in unconditional love and compassion.
This knowing assists us in Tending the Fire of love, compassion, and consciousness. There is a gift in every experience. The light never goes out within us or the universe. We develop faith and joy when we realize that there is light in the dark of our experiences. We all came from the dark of our mother’s womb. Our spirit and our spirit guides can touch our soul deeply enough to release the light in the darkness of family experiences.