“To inform those who are bereft of love that love still exists”
Good day my loved ones. I am here to tell you through my dear friend Lisa how to LOVE andbe LOVED. Love is such a strong word and yet it needs to be in order for you to hear it.
Love is the only way to live and exist. It is the entire reason why we are here and is where we come from (everybody including Angels).
For those who yearn to feel Love need to turn their face to the sun who is the Father (pun not intended).
You know what it feels like. Even if you haven’t received any Love in a while you will at least have a memory of it. That feeling of complete acceptance and support that a family and loved ones can give. By family and loved ones I mean those of whom are related to you or the adopted loved ones such as friends. It saddens me when I hear some of you have so little by way of love and support from biological loved ones. You are bereft of love through circumstances beyond your control. That despite your best intentions these people cannot love you the way you so desperately need and deserve. This is not to condemn those who do this to you as they have their own cross to bear. It is just not conducive to their life plan to express that at this time. Also they may be in pain and are stunted as to how to put it across. This is certainly not your fault. It is their lesson to learn how to express it and that is way beyond your control. All you can be responsible for is your own needs.
You forget my beloveds that WE are your loved ones. You may feel as uncomfortable about that as a child who is picked up by a stranger and hugged. They don’t smell or feel the same and so you don’t accept the hug on the physical or emotional levels. That is how it feels at first but if there has been a drought as far as loving touch and consideration are concerned you eventually warm to the person holding you and realise they are not different from you integrity wise. That is what we want you to feel with us. To allow us to be near to you and familiar to you. You forget that we have been with you always and forever. We have seen you go through many lifetimes with many different faces and yet you are still you to US. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
You are so beautiful to us and we have raptures of love when we look into your eyes and souls. Not one single one of you is insignificant or worthless. Boy do we love you. You are God’s creation as are we and the joy of that almost makes us giddy.
Imagine a child who knows nothing of wars or bullying or hatred or animosity. Who accepts with open arms whoever approaches them. This is what we want for you. This is how you can create love in your life. ‘That is not practical in this day and age’ I hear you say. ‘Who says so?’ I ask strongly. How come you’re so cynical? Peer pressure is why and the physical world you live in can be harsh and people harden themselves to love. To them to show love is to show weakness. Not so, I say. To show love IS to be strong. To be like that child is how you’re supposed to be. That does not mean you have to be ignorant or dismissive of the dangers out there but to live in cynicism and doubt is to completely limit your potential.