I Am Who I Am

Sacredly Accepting My Body Temple

by J. Alison Hilber

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/14/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781504367868
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781504367844
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781504367851

About the Book

Sacred Acceptance of my body temple! What does that mean? How does that look? How do I get there? All excellent questions. Here are the answers: It means loving and accepting my body temple as Spirit loves and accepts me…unconditionally. It looks like light, laughter, kindness, compassion and love. We get there as with everything else in life: a shift in consciousness, a change in story, connecting with Spirit, and practice, practice, practice. If you are a woman with a body, then at one time or another you have probably dealt with some issue addressed in this book. You will learn about the spiritual process of moving from victimhood to empowerment to authenticity to nirvana when dealing with issues of body acceptance, with the plus that it also works with emotional and mental issues as well. The Realms of Revelation give you a structure allowing you to see how you can change the way you see, shift your reactions, and change your life, all without anyone else changing anything at all. It really is all up to you! There’s a lot of freedom in that!

About the Author

J. Alison Hilber has a Bachelor’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology and is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner with the Centers for Spiritual Living, and is the Director of the Practitioner Program at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living in Lake Oswego, Oregon. She is the author of Change How You See, Not How You Look: Power Tools for Celebrating Your Body, published in 2002. In addition to being an author, Alison is a teacher, workshop facilitator, speaker, and provides prayer and spiritual guidance to her clients. She is dedicated to constantly evolving her life, unfolding her purpose, and practicing the art of sacredly loving and accepting herself in every moment. Alison lives in Portland, Oregon, with her wife, Pamela (Luna) and her kitty Effie Jean.