Life is Sweet

Inspiring a Life of Mindfulness, Meaning, and Magic

by Heather Burket

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/1/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 42
ISBN : 9781504337359
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781504337366

About the Book

Think about the love you have for your child. What are the most important things that you want them to know about creating a life of purpose, happiness, and love? What words of wisdom do you think would help them most in life that you wish you knew at an earlier age? How do you create a lifelong connection with them—with their mind and with their heart?

Life is Sweet: Inspiring a Life of Mindfulness, Meaning, and Magic is a beautifully illustrated children’s book written to inspire mindfulness and self-confidence in your child while also celebrating just how wonderfully special and unique they are. It connects with children through common childhood phrases and teaches them awareness through positive affirmations and words of wisdom. It is a message from your heart to theirs that opens up a rich dialogue for sharing a special connection. This book will help your child discover at an early age the importance that they are and the gift that they hold—for you and for the world. It will help them connect to their feelings, understand themselves and their purpose, and build a foundation of inner strength that will influence them greatly in their years to come. It will help them to realize their power, creativity, and an exciting world of possibility, enriching their life by empowering them from within, building a strong foundation for a life rich with love and happiness. Life is Sweet is certain to make a difference in your child’s life and in yours, enhancing the core of their inner beliefs and transforming the special connection you have with them.

About the Author

Heather Burket is an author, educator, and designer whose deep love for children is the heart behind her first book, Life is Sweet. This book celebrates the importance and uniqueness of your child and helps build self-confidence and true happiness in their lives, encouraging them to dream without boundaries and find their voice in the world. It is a very special book full of wisdom and life lessons to lift your child up at an age when they are discovering who they really are. Heather is the mother of three beautiful children, holds a Master of Arts in design, and lives in the the charming little town of Apex, North Carolina.