Being a womb-carrying human makes us precious, valuable, and a great asset to life itself—we must exist for men-kind to exist. Unfortunately, most women have experienced a violation of their sacred womb in some capacity, whether it was through the violence of non-consensual sex, through abortion or miscarriage, through a challenging birthing experience, taxing menopause or menses, or a hysterectomy. Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan tells us that, “The universe is female. Women have total access, they're already there…Women are portentous fliers; they have a second brain, an organ they can use for unimaginable flight. They use their wombs for dreaming”. To me the womb is a creative chamber we can use for cultivating any seed/intention we place in it.
This book is based on Nine Basic Human Rights, as they correlate to Nine Energy Centers (or The Nine Chakras of Creation) that mimic the energy flowing from earth to the heavens. They are as follows:
The Nine Chakras of Creation & Nine Basic Human Rights
First Chakra - The right to be here
Our first goal is to get in touch with our roots and our ancestral connection to the Uterus Mundi, playing on the concept Anima Mundi which originated with Plato. According to several systems of thought, this is the intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet. We will acknowledge our families, our tribe, and heal the past to let go of all that was. We will learn how to nurture our roots, and strengthening our right to be here.
Second Chakra -The right to feel and the right to want
This is the physical cradle of the womb. It is the center of our creativity, and relationship with the other. Here is where our self-esteem is deeply rooted. Here we discover and come face to face with all womb defilement; ours and other women’s as well. Here we stand for our right to say no, to question perceived authority, to stand for ourselves and our sisters/mothers/daughters’ rights to an un-violated womb.
Third Chakra - The right to act
The third chakra is considered the center of vitality, energy, willpower, action, and achievement. Here we learn about taking actions of self-empowerment, self-understanding, and self-wisdom., and we explore the shadow energy used to seemingly protect you from love.
Fourth Chakra - The right to love and be loved
The fourth chakra is the energy of Venus, of self-love, and self-compassion, as well as love and compassion for others. The heart’s voice is one of the voices of our soul and when we are still and listen intently we can hear our true heart’s desire.
Fifth Chakra - The right to speak the truth
This chakra is about honesty. Our soul carefully listens to our words and how they relate to our true intentions, as well as our actions. In the fifth chakra you will learn how your words are your currency, and you will learn how to listen to your intuition as though your life depended on it.
Sixth Chakra - The right to see and perceive the truth
The energy of the third eye leads us to wisdom and the realization that we create our own reality. Here we discover how we learn and process information. What we see and how we see ourselves is explored. We will embrace detachment with wisdom and compassion.
Seventh Chakra - The right to know
In your seventh chakra you will deepen your practice of meditation and prayer, releasing control over to the Divine, trusting in its process and in the universal love for you. This is the portal through which the divine mind comes into your body. Here you will meet the dweller at the threshold; here you will learn how to let the old die so that you make room for the new.
Eighth Chakra - The right to your Divine Power
Unencumbered by the weight of obstacles in all other chakras, this one affirms your right to your infinite divine powers, showing you how to manifest what is yours by divine right. Here we learn how to dance with our shadows, embracing and harnessing their power to allow our spiritual transformation. We will explore our psychic powers and our ability to see in our future.
Ninth Chakra - The right to be one with the miraculous
The time has come, the tools have been learned, and clarity of intentions obtained. This is the time for gratitude and presence. Being one with the “Creator” requires integrity and inner wisdom. The circle completes and we come back into the Universal womb. We are ready to give birth to a new self!