Where’s My Elton John?
This book has evolved from the unwavering whispers in my head. From their fight to find the light of day as song lyrics and the hope they might find purpose with equally inspired musicians stumbling upon them, wanting to take them to their full potential as complete songs. And so I had originally named the working title for this manuscript, Where’s My Elton John?
Elton John’s creative partnership with his primary lyricist, Bernie Taupin, is what creative dreams are made of. Although Bernie Taupin has co-written more than five hundred songs with various artists the world over, it was the marriage of his lyrics and Elton John’s musical compositions (and unique vocal delivery) that created legendary song collaborations such as “Daniel”, “Bennie and the Jets”, “Your Song”, “Rocket Man”, “Candle in the Wind”, “Crocodile Rock” and “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” to name just a few. What an extraordinary gift to be able to affect the world in that measure.
Lyric-writing has become my passion. I’m often left in awe at the ability of skilled writers who thread together simple words, forming strings of phrases that carry enough meaning to nudge, challenge, inspire and comfort humankind. To that end, I realised during this book’s evolution that I’d rather not create or build boundary walls in relation to who might read this collection of song lyrics, when I purposely try to write from a place of breaking walls down.
Most of my writing stems from connection, usually firsthand and sometimes simply as an observer of life. As part of the writing process, I immerse myself in feeling. I imagine how my senses might react to any given situation, what moods are likely to surface, and what seasons those moods might mirror in my life—‘seasons’ I believe we all experience.
I reflect on life too—people, plans, places, and promises, even the broken or faded ones—and feel grateful for every moment, even the splintered fragments, as those experiences have shaped my writing and who I am today. I watch in awe of universal timing connecting random souls, creating instances when we’re forced to reach out and interact—validating, incubating, and solidifying traits within us that are worthwhile, or coaxing and challenging us to create shifts, when change is needed.
I often think about people who’ve been part of my life. I consider whether they’ve been with me for a lifetime, a long time, or what seems like no time at all, and I think about the mood or season they’ve carried into my days.
Have people, plans, places, or promises fallen away, leaving warm, exquisite colours within my soul? My Autumn/Fall.
Have they run their course and faded to neutral tones, forcing me into hibernation, where I’ve found adequate time for reflection and healing? My Winter.
Have they been catalysts for beautiful, new, and sometimes unexpected seeds to sprout with growth and potential I’d never imagined possible? My Spring.
And have some of those seeds continued to flourish, nurturing my soul to such a point of saturation that I spontaneously erupt with tears of joy? My Summer.
For me, as words and lyrics are simply extensions of thoughts and feelings, they too carry evidence of these seasons, sometimes with absolute clarity and at other times falling into more obscure areas such as ‘More Than One Season in a Day’ or ‘Weather Warnings’.
In writing this book, my aim is to guide you towards words you’ll connect with at any given point in time; words which I hope will allow you to feel. Listed alphabetically under ‘season’ headings, song lyrics have found their place within this book, depending on how I felt when they found breath.
Furthermore, at the end of the book, should it interest you, I’ve compiled a reference list of songs that have inspired me. With far too many deserving mention, however, these songs represent only a ripple within an ocean of extraordinary published works that came to mind.
On that note, I’ll leave my words in your care; I’ll trust in a time yet to be lived, when some of them might be read or heard and on occasion, seep a little more deeply in, prompting you to feel and reflect on relationships in your own life. And I will remain ever optimistic that they’ll lead you to find the courage to share those feelings, in a peaceful manner, from a place of truth.
If you would like to use any of the lyrics contained in this collection (including by setting them to music), please visit my website www.kay-bell.com for licensing information and collaboration opportunities. I welcome all enquiries.
Kay Bell
Sydney, Australia
‘Lyrically Speaking’
From my first breath, would you not encourage me
towards my highest potential?
My ‘summer’ words reflect moments filled with such purpose and sacred connection that, for me, they are akin to sipping from the Holy Grail.
During this glorious season, new spring growth—having now reached its potential—rests near the earth’s surface, settled and warm underneath a lavish summer blanket. Gently tucked in, under ideal conditions, her harvest ripens to find depth of flavour and sits in readiness for the taking, with every single part of life stretching out in the hope of being softly kissed by sunlight.
At times, sated by her offerings, we find ourselves in need of respite to rebalance our overindulgent (and occasionally gluttonous) appetites. With little concern given to moderation, we’re ultimately forced to search out ways of restoring equilibrium to our physical body, our fractured state of mind, and to varying degrees, our depleted spirit.
Still, feelings percolate, and while lost in this intimacy we’ll often continue flirting enthusiastically— dancing, swimming, singing, sleeping, breathing, and living—within this perfect energetic oasis; recognising, yet floating free from, summer’s restrictions.
Lyrically, my summer words explore life’s essence; discovering unconditional, euphoric moments that will never be erased. Moments for me when I held ‘magic’ in my hand, and in the hope of retaining that magic, I placed my open palm gently towards my heart leaving an imprint, that I will carry with me throughout my lifetime.
Insight: “Air-Raid Warning”
Time and time again, I find myself lost in the extraordinary lyrics of others, often left intrigued by the lives or moments that inspired them.
These words filtered in reflecting on a near-perfect moment with someone who allowed me to share my truth, unconditionally. While immersed in their poignant, sensitive energy, I found the freedom to let my own vulnerabilities surface, knowing they’d stay safe in their care.
“Air-Raid Warning” explores a mutual need for intimacy, within a relationship built on foundations of unconditional love and trust.
Finalist—Songsalive! Australia—The Song Comp—‘Lyrics only’ category
Air-Raid Warning
(Suggestions: acoustic; film & TV)
As you lay me down here sacred,
My soul’s exposed bare-naked,
And I’m watching your eyes moving
Like a searchlight on my skin.
And every little mark there,
Shares a secret part of me where
I’ve survived air missiles coming in.
But I’m not waiting for an air-raid warning.
I’ll lay here with you till morning.
No threat of missiles here since this begun.
What happened here, let us defuse
Artillery that wasn’t used,
And now we’ve shooting stars to wish upon.
Feel no need to run for cover,
Wrapped here in your arms (safe from harm);