Decoding the Butterfly Promise

Regaining Our Sacred Power.

by Dr. Gail Siler PhD

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/8/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 374
ISBN : 9781452516066
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 374
ISBN : 9781452516059

About the Book

Haunted by an urgent voice she hears each time she reads a book by Carlos Castaneda, Gail seeks out Castaneda’s apprentice, and she finds herself catapulted into a strange world of shamans, metaphysics, and ancient beings. She is thrust forward onto a dangerous path that takes her from the safety of her everyday world into the radiant landscape where true power lives. Here, she is introduced to an ancient couple, who have lived and loved beyond time itself. She offers up her heart to become a co-conspirator with them in an unbelievable task. She must journey into the ancient records and retrieve the knowledge that broke this ancient couple and humanity itself apart. The death-bed promise this ancient couple made to each other eons ago is also the key to humanity’s own resurrection. It is this—the Butterfly Promise—that will return us to our true powers and to our wholeness once again.

About the Author

Gail Siler, PhD, has been a social scientist and change consultant to governments and corporations for over two decades. She creates programs and workshops to help people navigate change in their personal lives. Midway in her professional career, Gail became connected to an unusual group of beings who, for over twenty-five years, have been teaching her what the real world offers us once we take our blinders off. Stones have also been Gail’s teachers. She specializes in finding heart-shaped “talking” stones along White Rock, British Columbia’s beaches.