How to Find Your Inner Glow. A Meditation with Babaji

by Geri Mckellar

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/20/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781452584294
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781452584287

About the Book

A true account of divine encounters of a most beautiful kind—visitations of a holy being bringing a divine message.

Haidakhan Babaji is a legendary teacher, a manifestation of divine love, who appeared in the foothills of the Himalaya in the middle of the last century, and who left his body on Valentine’s Day, 1984. Babaji appeared to Geri on more than one occasion, encouraging her to write a short and sweet, unvarnished handbook about the methods she had learned and used in finding her own inner peace and healing.

How to Find Your Inner Glow is a step-by-step guided meditation—and more. It is a quick and easy method leading you to the gateway of inner peace and divine unity. Babaji reveals a beautiful, divine message as he appears to Geri in the early hours of the morning in out-of-body encounters. Part of that message is that he is still very much here with all of us today. There is no separation.

About the Author

Geri is a born sensitive and natural medium and has been searching for inner peace and truth most of her life. Childhood out-of-body experiences and visions led her forward in that search. A search covering a period of over 25 years, starting with meditation and self-enquiry groups, healing practices and personal study, 12 years with Buddhist teachers, listening to their discourses and receiving personal training in the path to Enlightenment; visits to saints and spiritual masters in India and Bali; studying the principal scriptures in the major religions. Looking for the common thread revealed a deep understanding of the ancient truths.

Then a seriously debilitating illness stopped Geri in her tracks.

Geri used what she had learned in order to overcome the illness that had left her bedridden for nearly two years and to rise above the physical and psychological trauma.

Then she received the most amazing visitations from Haidakhan Babaji - an incarnation of Divinity which led to the writing of this personal experience..