Your Body Is Talking Are You Listening? Volume One

The Body/Mind Medicine Connection Energy Psychology/Energy Medicine How the Mind Works

by Art Martin PhD

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/12/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781504384841
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781504384865
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781504384858

About the Book

This is the first book in the Mind/Body Medicine series, Healing Yourself With The Power Of Your Mind. We evaluate the causes of Illness, Disease and Behavioral and mental Dysfunctions. We Examine How The Mind Functions in in relation to how it reacts to sensory information it is picking up. Illness, Disease only exist as programs in our mind. They are not realities until we accept and make them happen. Our perception and belief is what causes illness and disease which cause the breakdowns in our body. Are you ready to find the answers to peace. happiness, joy, harmony, unconditional love and success in your life? Many times we think we are to change, yet when we come face to face with the changes that will provide us the opportunity to shift our path, we reject and avoid or run from the required changes. Do you find yourself in boxes and traps of self imposed limitations unable to escape? are you ready to find the answers to these dilemmas? Are you ready for miracles in your life? We block miracles by our resistance and illusions, doubt and fear. Ferar is simply False Evidence Appearing Real.. Sickness is a defense against the truth. Are you ready to face the truth who could be if you would face your issues? All we need to know is the base cause, the original core issue which is causing the breakdown to manifest. Your Body will tell the truth. Are you willing to listen what your Subconscious Mind will reveal to us with the use of Kineasiology? (muscle testing) Are you willing to listen to your minds history of what happened to you to put you on a detour and take you off track to success? If so , this is your "how to" manual to guide you to success in your life.

About the Author

In today’s world, the issue of credibility often comes up. How many degrees do you have? What colleges did you attend? Who did you study with? Who were your teachers? How do you know this works? When I needed outside validation and acceptance, those were valid questions. Now I do not consider them valid, nor do I care if others reject me because I don’t have the credibility they seek. What I learned in college has no relevance to what I do now in my practice. What I know is far more important than my background. Therefore, I am not interested in listing all my credentials. Neuro/Cellular Repatterning is a process that was developed by myself and three people who worked with me during the research period: Dr. James Dorabiala, Mike Hammer and Bernard Eckes. And new information still pours in even today. This is basically a self-taught process, and everyone who has worked with us over the last 20 years have been our students and our teachers. What is relevant is that we be open to new ideas. I will attend others’ workshops and experience their treatments. Healing is an open-ended and ongoing process in which we need to be open to new ideas. The “sacred cow” syndrome is outdated and does not work for me. Someone once attacked me with, “You think you have the whole pie, don’t you? You believe that nobody can match up to you.” My response was, “I don’t think I have the whole pie, but based on the success of the last 20 years, maybe I have a few more pieces than some other practitioners.” Art Martin was born into a family where his father wanted a child and his mother did not. As an only child, he did not have any sibling interaction, so his only contacts were at school. His dysfunctional family laid down many problems, which he has come a long way in clearing, thanks to discovery of the process he developed—Neuro/Cellular Repatterning—and the people who worked with him over the years. In 1963, he quit college after receiving a degree in Advertising and Journalism. After five years feeling frustrated with the educational system, he worked for a newspaper for a year. He then became a Real Estate salesman, but found that it was not his calling, and went back to a newspaper. In 1965, he married Susie, his partner ever since. Their sons, Ross and Ryan, were born in 1971 and 1976. Very few people in the field of therapy work seem to be able to stay in relationships, due to the fact they do not want to deal with their own issues. Art was committed to finding himself and went on a path to do so. He stabilized his own relationship by working out his issues. In 1968, he and Susie moved to St. Helena, CA, rebuilding an abandoned winery. To clear the land to plant grapes, Art became a logger. To support his family while the winery was being rehabilitated, he purchased a D8 Caterpillar tractor for land-clearing and vineyard preparation. Many people said, “how are you going to learn how to operate that huge tractor”? He hired a man to work with him and learned how to operate it. After getting the winery set up, he discovered the big-money interests were pushing grape prices above what was economically viable for a small winery to stay in business, so he sold it. His next venture was a restaurant which he built himself, but he found the restaurant field one of the most demanding there are. Working twelve to eighteen hours day was not what he wanted to do as a career. However, Art met his first teacher at the restaurant, someone who planted a seed of doubt about his life path. After closing time, while cleaning up the restaurant, they would spend many hours talking about their paths. He decided to sell the restaurant and retire, since Susie wanted to go back to work. Art became a house-husband, taking care of the children and the house for the next four years. In 1980, the buyers of the restaurant went bankrupt, so their payments stopped. Art had to return to work and his quest was disrupted. Fortunately, Susie was working full- time, but in 1980, she was laid off, so Art, who had a green thumb, worked as a gardener at a senior citizens’ complex. Having closely studied the Findhorn community, he took the opportunity to apply what he had learned about the earth spirits. He found, from the plants themselves, that the landscape architect had put many of them in the wrong places. Over the next year, he transformed the grounds into a magnificent flower gardens, and even built a passive solar greenhouse to grow flowers year-round. By 1982, he had begun to establish his healing practice, so he quit the gardener job and concentrated on researching healing practices. Art soon found that Santa Rosa, CA, did not support the type of work he was doing, and when Joshua Stone invited him to go to Los Angeles to give readings to clients, he jumped at the opportunity. He and Joshua found they worked well together as a team, and Art was able to provide a unique and valuable service to many therapists. However, the traveling almost broke up his family, so they moved to Sacramento, CA, and opened a bookstore and metaphysical center. While Art received considerable support for this venture, he didn’t anticipate how few people had the money to support it financially. Having invested all the family’s savings, and refinanced their house, he managed fairly well for almost three years until he took on partners in order to expand. However, his partners did not understand the law of cause and effect, and when they embezzled an undermined amount of money, the business went under. They had invested over $300,000 in the Wellness Institute, with their life savings from twenty years in business. They lost it all, and had to start over again. Knowing that “What goes around comes around,” Art managed to accept what had happened, forgive them and get on with his life. However, trying to understand the lesson in this was hard to accomplish. Angry at losing his life savings and 20 years of hard work, the clarity and acceptance that he had set it all up came slowly. Even though he knew this at one level, it was a hard lesson to learn. The lesson was that while he had received much verbal validation from those who supported the center, he had been paying over half its operational costs. The failure was a mixed blessing. It put him on a new path, one in which he traveled and spread the word of his work, and really had to get down to business. He did finally recover, even though they lost their house and one of their cars. Looking back, Art recognizes the many great strides forward that he has made. Today, he travels extensively, giving lectures, seminars and workshops on a variety of subjects. He also has a circuit of cities he visits regularly for individual sessions. He has set up a publishing company to promote his books (see the list in the front of this book), and these are available through the Wellness Institute. Many of them are in bookstores now and also available through the following website: http:// He may also be reached at: (916) 663-9178 or by email: