Hooligans, Doormen, and the Ten-Metre Walk

Ten-Metre Walk

by Elvis Webley

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781452576626
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781452576619

About the Book

I was once part of a notorious group that visited football grounds around Britain. Meeting with the opposition fans for—well, let’s just say it wasn’t to share stories over a cup of tea and biscuits! I was also a very well-known doorman working the rave and city centre nightclubs. I have compiled some interesting scenarios that we encounter during our lives, and I will try to offer some help and advice, to anyone who is willing to listen. You’re in a situation where running is out the question and the only means of survival is to fight for your life. This is the situation you’ve been eagerly waiting for; how will you react? Will you stand and battle, which could result in a loss of life, or will you run and risk serious retribution? Whatever decision you make, represents the passing or failing of life’s Ten-Metre Walk. This is the distance between battle and bottle. It also represents the fight-or-flight syndrome, or a possible flatline in the local hospital. The situation faced is met by many doormen as well. “Shall we sort these lads out, or do we let them take the piss?” Either scenario is met with the Ten-Metre Walk. How will you make yours?

About the Author

Elvis is the father of five children—Christina, Alana, Jaidon, Jacob and Luke. Elvis and his wife, Marlene, have been together for more than thirteen years. He is heavily involved in security and operates as a freelance security officer. Elvis is also very keen on fitness and is actively involved in training for self-defence and boxing.