My Little Brown Book of Fears, Tears, Et Cetera

by Mary Magee

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/2/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781452570631
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781452570624

About the Book

It was a year since he had gone. He just disappeared one day, and inside she saw herself crouched in the bottom corner of her soul, screaming silently, “Don’t leave me, please love me!” For many months, she had wanted to ball up like an unborn baby and stay inside of her soul. She wanted to withdraw her membership in the human race. “Maybe all of our training and talk about love were lies told to us as children, to keep us from despair. Maybe there is no love in the world,” she thought. She pulled the old, ragged letter from the top vanity drawer. It was a year old now and still no address to mail it to.

About the Author

After being deserted with four children, no job, no car, and no family, she was alone to somehow raise four children. There were many miracles in her life. Her youngest child, the only girl, suffered second- and thirddegree burns over 50 percent of her body at age two, and they lost everything in a house fire. Those years of keeping her family together were extremely hard for her, and writing was her escape.