This book was written to celebrate life - your life, my life, all of our lives. To help you understand and value what you have been, and what you are now. And, to help you find your way to the future you want for yourself. Your past, present and future are inextricably linked. Yesterday’s thoughts and actions made your today, and today’s thoughts and subsequent actions are the base for your tomorrow.
Like it or not, we have contributed to what we and our lives already are. Like it or not, we are the only one who can do anything about it. Others can help, but the real work is up to us. We have the choice to learn from our past, or not. Our past does not have to trap us into a future we don’t want. It can be our reason, and our motivation, to do things differently. If we want different results, all we have to do is - do something differently.
We have the power to be what we want to be and to have the lives we want to have. We just have to believe it! When we believe we have the power to make a difference in our own life, then we do. What suits others may not suit us. And, it’s only by living with what we think may suit us that we find out what really does suit us. If we try something, and find out it doesn’t suit, then, all we have to do is try something different.
We help each other by interacting. And, as we communicate and negotiate, we give each other feedback. Together, we help each other. Help each other learn about, and understand, ourself. We work together so we accomplish more than we can on our own. That’s why we’re helping you to accomplish the task you have set for yourselves. That’s why so many of us are helping so many of you find your way to where you want to be.
We dedicate this book to those of you who wish to make your lives more in alignment with your own true spirit.
2nd extract:
On being Human
And finding where you want to be
What does home mean to you? While our photos are different, the feeling of home is much the same for all of us. Home is not feeling we have to put on a show, not feeling we have to act how we think we ought to - not going by someone else’s rules. Home is feeling comfortable, relaxed, independent, and yet still part of the team - taking it fairly easy, doing what we enjoy, and also what we need to do to keep the comfort thing happening.
Home is more about a feeling than a place. And, we feel at home wherever we are - when we’re enjoying whatever happens to be going on in our life. Singing, dancing, having fun if we feel like it; arguing, solving problems; working, resting, and even being down in the dumps if that’s how we feel like enjoying ourself - for now. When we leave how we think we ought to think and ought to act behind, when we break a few rules and be how we enjoy, then we find out how we really are, how we really like being.
Then, most rubbish, all the stuff that makes us so miserable, simply floats out of the way, clearing the way for the real deal - that calm, relaxed, truly peaceful, comfortable in your own life, happy little ray of sunshine you always wanted to be.
But, sad to say, our homes can sometimes be where we learn how to not be our real self. Sometimes we’re raised to believe we shouldn’t be our real self. Instead, we’re taught we should be approved of by all, which results in a merging of the ideas of others and feeling we’re never quite good enough. Then, we’re so preoccupied with how we think other people think we should be, that we don’t remember to include our own ideas about how we like being. It’s great when we listen to other’s ideas, but it’s also great when we listen to our own ideas. And, the best idea is the one that works for you - until a better idea reaches the surface.
We’re often raised to believe we have to be a certain way, and those who raised us were raised by those who raised them - continuing on with the old beliefs. People only want to do what they think is best for themself, and for those they love. That’s why we all try so hard to keep things how we think things ‘should’ be - why we try so hard to be what we think we have to be. Why we try so hard to play the role and wear the mask we think is required - selling ourself out in the process - until we find out it’s not necessary.
When we’re not how we really like, how can we have a life that really suits us? Instead, we make a life that suits the person we think we are, or are pretending to be - or think we should be. But, it’s only after we’ve found out we made a life that doesn’t suit, that we can begin undoing some of those things that produced the life we don’t like.
It’s exactly the same inside ourself - we must let what we don’t like lead us to discover what we do like. Once we’ve found out that the life we made when we’re not being how we enjoy is not how we want to live – then, we know how we don’t want to be. So, finding out how we do want to be is a little bit easier – because, now we know how we don’t want to be!
And, that’s all any of us are doing – letting our ‘mistakes’ lead us back home.