Imprinted Wisdom

by Catherine Nagle

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781452569390
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781452569383
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781452599847

About the Book

The true story of one young woman’s struggle to survive in the wake of not one but two devastating losses is an inspiring tale of survival, strength, faith and love. Imprinted Wisdom tells how Catherine, in the wake of such heavy sorrow, found her way back to wholeness, and to grow, prosper and return fully to life. After the heartbreaking death of her childhood-sweetheart husband, 26-year-old Catherine, by now the young mother of a six-year-old, returned to the shelter of her parents’ loving home. One of 17 children, the grieving young widow was soon stunned, along with the rest of her family, by the shocking and unexpected loss of her beloved mother--just one month after losing her young husband. Imprinted Wisdom is the inspiring story of one woman’s path to healing and ultimately to God through prayer, the study of scripture, faith, and focusing on her own solid foundation learned through her parents’ powerful examples and wisdom. Imprinted Wisdom will inspire any reader in need of encouragement in tough times and reminds us to look within to find God’s healing strength and love.

About the Author

Biography About Catherine Nagle: Catherine grew up in Philadelphia with 16 brothers and sisters, reared by loving, old school Italian parents. Catherine's artist father's works graced churches and public buildings; her mother was a full-time homemaker. A professional hairdresser, Catherine worked in various salons while studying the Bible and pursuing spiritual growth through courses, seminars, lectures, and conferences, including the National Theology of the Body Congress. She is also an ambassador of the Society of Emotional Intelligence. The mother of two children and now a grandmother, Catherine lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and son. She is the Author of Imprinted Wisdom.