Inspired Verses

New Wisdom

by Arthur Edwards

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781452509037
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781452509020

About the Book

When you finally decide to empower yourself, you can live to your fullest potentials. Your birth was no accident. You chose to be here, in this time, to experience something new, because your soul wants you to know why you are here. INSPIRED VERSES—NEW WISDOM contains a message that can help your life in many ways. The guidance is here to show you that the change you want in your life is more visible. There is nothing you cannot accomplish once you have set your intention and focus upon it. Whatever you are drawn to is because the Law of Attraction has come into play. Knowing there are no wrong answers will always lead you to learn something new about yourself and whomever you wish to be. Be guided in your highest good, and know everything that comes to you is because you have asked for it!

Inspired Verses—New Wisdom is simply a treasure! Every page provides insight and gentle guidance. The messages I need to know appear no matter which page I turn to! This book is full of love and light and will take you on a deeper journey to your truest self. Spirit will show you what is in your greatest and highest good.”

—Indigo SkyeHawk.

About the Author

I am a father of six beautiful children and a beautiful wife Katrina whom after 20 years in a relationship I married on the 15th of November 2011 which is also her birthday and on March 3rd 2011 I had an awakening or a quickening where spirit gently said it was time to start living my purpose as a Spiritual guide and healer. Over the course of 2011 to the present I am still learning and am also guiding those who come for healing's and readings. I have been on my conscious spiritual journey since March 3rd 2011 and have learned to communicate with spirit through Channeling, Psychic Development, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Mediumship, Tarot, Reiki and have been working with Angels, Spirit guides and human guides whom have taught me to discern what is in the highest and best for me. It has been both life changing and challenging but with the love and support of family and friends I continue to learn, grow and expand my awareness to heal my life and that of my family, so we can make a transition from the old way of living to the new understanding of each other’s path’s and journey’s, which has brought about a calmer atmosphere. I have always known there was something more for me to do and over the years I struggled with my identity and where I would fit in—in this world. I was born on the 20th of February 1972, in a little township with a population of around 12,000 people and adopted by my Uncle whom took me home when I was a week old and he called me son and I called him Dad. I have 14 other siblings whom I love with all my heart and growing up with such a big family is the most beautiful gift. Spirit has always been here waiting for me to connect and over the past 2 years of my life I have traveled back and forth looking at my past and noticing the guidance that spirit was giving to me which I was not consciously aware of until now. But as I travel forward in my life I can see things are unfolding the way they should and so there is no need to worry as “God” and the "Universe" is guiding me to where I am needed. And so the journey continues on and I will do what I need to, in order to follow the guidance that is given to me. Wherever my life is heading I will just enjoy it as much as I can, because life as short as it is - doesn't have to be serious.