My Favorite Hugs

by Debby Guddee, Melissa Rodrigues & Illustrated by Su Mon

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/17/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781452510668
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781452510651

About the Book

Voted one of the most notable children's books of 2013 by Shelf Unbound.

Hugging is a universal language and in the eyes of a child can say so many things - you’re my friend, you care about me, you love me, or simply thank you.

A series of 12 action hugs each beautifully illustrated are brought to life with a short rhyming verse that encourage children to ask for a specific type of hug.

This book will help children make friends, bring families closer and raise a smile or two in the process.

It's not just a book - it's a way of life and will help children discover hugs that last a lifetime.

Check out the My Favourite Hugs website: and find us on facebook

About the Author

Debby & Melissa are mother and daughter and reside in New Zealand.

Debby is originally from the UK and Melissa was born in Holland.

Debby comes from a very large family of 10 children with many nephews and nieces and grew up surrounded by children and their laughter.

Melissa has one child of her own to whom this book is dedicated to, Jaxon.