Dear reader, I am inviting you to a journey into simple truths of my life, which I believe will bring you closer to discovering yourself and your own key to immortality. This book does not contain universal concepts that work equally for everyone. On the contrary, this is a story of how I discovered certain truths for myself, and how I, and people I know, are making them work every day. We are each unique and perfect – divine beings. I am writing this book for the pure purpose of discovering myself, evolving my consciousness to the next level of life – and I am sure you will do the same as you read this. If you choose to open up to the practices I am referring to, they can be miraculous in your life. But naturally, everything is up to you!
Have you noticed strange, unexplainable feelings and sensations arising inside, and around, you lately? Have you ever felt like you were not in the place of your physical body, or as if everything around you were happening in some kind of other dimension? Do you question your reality? Does your surrounding sometimes seem superficial? If these thoughts are familiar to you – do not be alarmed. Many people experience similar feelings. I have felt this way for quite some time now. There are reasons for all these feelings. Some try to explain them through global events like earthquakes, tsunamis, the approach of Planet-X - Nibiru, or maybe the Polar Shift. These explanations are surely a part of the processes occurring in our Universe; however, they are more like symptoms of our evolution. The real change is in each of us, our consciousness. That is why everything around us does not feel the same anymore – they are not meant to be. There are much better things evolving in our lives, new realities...
Unfortunately verbal language is too primitive to fully convey these ideas; and so I will do my best to draw some basic guidelines and facts to your attention. Our minds, bodies and souls are one, and make up one whole being, who is, in turn, part of a much bigger picture. I will show you how you can use these connections to free your mind and break away from the fears and other negative energies that are blocking you from living as you want, and for as long as you can imagine.
In this book, I refrain from mentioning the real names of some people in order to respect their privacy; however, I am referring to real teachings, theories, practices, and life stories, as I go through this journey. I will also be providing you with facts from my life, and others’, for how these ideas work. The way you choose to apply them is entirely up to you. As you read on about the elements of life and origins of things I hope you will have a much better understanding of these concepts, of yourself and other people, and of how we all are inseparable parts of one (or perhaps more than one) endless Universe.
In this book I want to show you my methods for how I:
a) tune my mind and overcome the corruptive influence of negativity;
b) build my reality by uncovering my Universe; and
c) fuel the positive – energy of Universal love.
Once you have so attuned your mind, you will indeed have everything you have ever wanted, and be as everything. Furthermore, you will realize how this path has always been there for you, with choices you have subconsciously intended, to discover your true self along the way.
Finding the recipe for immortality is like trying to answer the question of what is the meaning of life (and this is not the ‘philosopher’s stone’, in any sense of the word – what I am about to share with you goes far beyond any publicly known, conventional study). We each have our own path in our own lives and no one else can show you how to walk yours, because only you know what it is, and only you make it real. I am not going to hand to you the key to eternity, for I can only truly give you a small hint – that it could be the simplest and most complex thing you could ever imagine.
I am happy that I have found my true calling – to make music, and to share it with others. My life is art, I am art, the creator and a creation, all at the same time. The world of music is an undeniable showcase of how our lives work. To conclude, I must quote myself, describing improvisation in chapter 3 of this book:
Improvisation is life itself – you don’t make stuff up, you simply discover what is already there. You know what to do and where to go as soon as you know where you want to take your piece of music, and it happens subconsciously. As soon as you realize who you are and what you want in your life, it is right there, because it has always been there.
Improvisation sessions can go on forever and sometimes they would if no one cues the ending. In my mind, this is the key to immortality in our lives.