Redemption At Shirdi

by Prabhat Mukherjee & Edited and translated by Indrani Maitra

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/16/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781452580272
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781452580265

About the Book

Indrani Maitra, born into the same family, is the youngest sibling. All her life, she respected her oldest brother, who was fondly called “Dada Bhai.” She admired his talent as an author, producer, and director. Indrani has lived in America all her adult life. After retirement, she decided to read this book written by him and was so fascinated that she decided to translate it.

About the Author

Prabhat Mukherjee (1917–1997) was born in a middle class Bengali Brahmin family as the oldest of nine children. He began his career with All India Radio. After being in a senior position for years, he resigned to produce and direct movies in different Indian regional languages. He won many awards, reaping fame and fortune. His two failed marriages caused him much emotional turmoil, leading him to Shirdi in search of peace. In this small town, his life changed forever once he touched the tomb of Shirdi Sai Baba.