Skin-Friendly Skin Care

Make Your Own Cleansers, Moisturizers, And Toners

by Rani M. Johnson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781452565941

About the Book

Are you sensitive to skin care products? Have you been thinking of transitioning from products that contain synthetic fragrances, colours, and chemicals such as parabens and phthalates? Would you like to make your own products using nourishing, healing carrier oils and essential oils that your skin will love and thank you for?

Make your own, save money, create personalized gifts, or start a home-based business.

This book has all the information you need for creating your own high quality skin care products, and more.

  • 17 Essential oils and their uses in skin care, and for body, mind and emotions
  • 10 Carrier oils that are beneficial for your skin
  • 7 Hydrosols to use in product formulations and as fresheners
  • 4 Butters to enrich your creams and lotions
  • Emulsifiers and the choice to use or not to use them in your products
  • The non-friendly chemicals that are best avoided
  • Easy to follow recipes for creating face creams, lotions, cleansers, and toners
  • Books and resources for essential oils, carrier oils, containers, and raw materials

About the Author

Rani has been making and enjoying her own skin care products for the last fourteen years and is the creator of Si Naturel! Skin Care and Cosmetics. Her many years of experience with essential oils, both for personal use and with clients, has shown her that Aromatherapy is truly holistic. She is very attracted to the psycho-spiritual dimensions of essential oils and continues to explore and work with that aspect of the ‘essences’. She shares her passion for Aromatherapy by offering treatments and teaching workshops.

Her company and her lifestyle reflect her commitment to be of service, to promote health and wholeness, and to advocate the use of safe skin care and cosmetics. She believes that every conscious choice each of us makes towards a healthy lifestyle is a step taken in the direction of a healthy planet.

She currently lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband Rob, where she enjoys growing organic herbs and flowers, and concocting delectable dishes in her kitchen.

Rani Johnson, M.A., R.A.H.P.
Certified in Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki and Transpersonal Psychotherapy.