My first wakeup call took the form of a terrible motorcycle accident when I was merely a sixteen year old lad. I broke no less than 13 Bones, with breaks all along my left arm and many along my left leg. My left leg was so severely damaged that the Orthopedic surgeon was intent on amputating my left leg, just above the knee. Had it not been for my father’s instance and my mother’s prayers, I would no doubt have lost the leg. What ensued was a protracted operation that saw the medical team work for hours on my Jaw, my left hand, left arm and along my left leg. They Pined and Wired my body together as best they could. Yet an interesting thing happened during the long operation, somehow, during the process I ‘flat lined and died on the operating table’ for a short while. My wife often jokes that my brain was starved of oxygen for way too long which is why I think so differently and am a bit crazy to this day. For all I know - she may be onto something there?
Now I know that this may be confronting for some, but I can tell you that heard and saw everything, I felt everything, I was everything. I was on both sides even though I was more on the other side. I remember it as clearly as I remember eating breakfast this morning.
Where I was – was and is, pure love and light, it was / is part of what I really Am. Part of my source, yet being separate and same at the same time. I knew or rather sensed that I was en route to better place and at the same time I could sense the presence of others that were not there to hurt me or interfere with me in any way. To call it ‘Safe, warm, white music’ is as close a description I can give. It was simply good and I was simply happy to be going along for the ride. It was as if I was being invited to go into a place that I already knew was Ok – it felt as natural as going home through my own homes front door, yet better. I felt Safer, more in tune, more right.
It may sound crazy but somehow, at the same time I could hear, watch and see the medical team – as if I was above them in the room, part of the room but away from it at the same time. Suddenly I could sense or hear the one theater Nurse keep saying ‘NO ! He is too young!. I watched as she and others members of the medical Team worked on me to bring me back. I could see and hear and sense all of this happening and was not afraid at all. It did not bother me that I was dying because I could see where I was going and it was good. Yet, suddenly I somehow grasped her words of defiance, and refusal to let me die as a motivation of sorts. I latched on to the NO’s that the Nurse was saying as if they were an umbilical cord or life line cast to me across a divide, to use to get back to this plane. In a strange way, I wanted to stay on the other side as it was safe, it was right, it was light, it was pure and I knew that being there could not hurt me. Yet, somehow I came back. Then it all went dark.
To you the reader:-
I congratulate you for being a fellow searcher!
By picking up this book proves that you are no doubt a fellow ‘searcher’... You have clearly embarked on the wonderful journey of discovery into ‘self’ and personal happiness! I firmly believe that a book finds you when you are ready for it rather than the other way around. This has proven true and accurate to for me on many occasions. To this end, I hope and trust that what is contained here-in makes sense to you or for you. If not, as they say don’t sweat it. One-day maybe, it will!?
I trust that what is contained in this book and what lies before you on your own journey will widen your awareness, be enlightening and show you what you are capable of. You may learn how to use your mind to unlock gifts and abilities that you never knew were possible. It may help you to understand your mind and body more. Who knows, you may be able to set you mind free and ... let it fly ?
Preface: How to use this guide
This book was designed only as a guide, to assist those in search of personal happiness.
An alphabetical order has been implemented for topic headings. This allows the reader to quickly find specific points related to ideas or emotions that he or she may be feeling at that time.
The ideas or emotions used in one topic could also be topic headings of their own and are thus typed in italic.
This simple system facilitates cross-referencing of related points, which allows the reader to get the most out of the guide. Alternatively the book can always be read cover to cover in the traditional manner.
Either way, to gain maximum benefit, I recommend that only a few points be read at a time and reflected upon, before moving on. Thus allowing you sufficient time to absorb, feel and understand each point, both on a conscious and subconscious level.
Think of abundance and abundance shall come. In other words, think the thought, walk the walk and talk the talk. Visualize what you want and project that outwardly.
If you want an abundance of love, money, success, or health, create it, write it down, focus on it, want it, place it in a mental bubble and release it out into the universe to have it fulfilled for you.
When you combine your powers with the universal powers, with creative focus you make Miracles come true. Say to yourself that you can get what you want.
The universal knowledge cannot provide you with a ‘no’ when you are focused on ‘Yes’. The universe is ever expanding and abundant -so don’t confuse the delivery system by sending confused signals.
Stay focused and bring abundance to yourself by focusing on the goal and being positive.
You can only bring negative things to yourself by thinking negatively; don’t waste the time or energy!
Stay focused, be positive, create it and it shall come to you abundantly.
If we only get what we think we deserve, then we should convince ourselves that we deserve more abundance.