If You believe, you can fly.

An alphabetical guide to spiritual growth and personal happiness.

by Sean G Cochrane

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/11/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452569277
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452569253
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452569260

About the Book

Sean Cochrane has worked in the energy efficient and sustainable products field for the past twenty years. Over that time, he has gained experience across three continents, building several businesses and a green franchise model in Australia. In 2010 he and his family moved to West Palm Beach in the USA to join forces with United Franchise group, become the president of SuperGreen Solutions and roll out the SuperGreen Solutions Franchise model. Sean plans to continue opening stores in the United States and cementing Master franchise agreements worldwide.

He lives with Clare, the love of his life, in Florida in the USA and or in Queensland Australia. Together they work to make the planet a better place through helping others. They continually strive to educate people to become more sustainable thus minimizing pollution. All the while promoting the triple bottom line maxim of People, Planet then Profit.

About the Author

In a horrific accident when he was sixteen years old, Sean broke thirteen bones in his body, almost lost his left leg, and experienced clinical death on the operating table. He had a near-death experience and, while unfamiliar with the term and that there were others who had died and come back, he found that this experience changed him forever. The lessons he learned at sixteen were further hammered home during a very challenging period in his marriage, which ultimately lead to the creation of the guide you are holding.

Presented in clear language, this is an alphabetical listing of inspirational topics. Subjects and meditations may be selected and digested easily for maximum efficiency. Sean shares his personal experiences and insight on how to beat impossible odds and achieve a personal best. You too can soar like an eagle when you spread your mind’s wings and fly.