The Riddle in the Mirror
A Journey in Search of Healing
Book Details
About the Book
The Riddle In the Mirror is a personal account of a healing journey through experiencing the conflicting Apartheid era in South Africa during the author’s childhood. The difficulties she experienced challenged a deeper insight into spiritual awareness that supported her path in search for healing. This story is everyone’s story, as we all experience difficulties that challenge us to evolve. The Riddle in the Mirror is an essential map on our healing journey. It shifts our focus, from struggling with repetitive behaviour patterns that keep wounds alive in us and our children, towards psychological and spiritual growth instead. It connects the processes of healing to archetypal principles that illustrate how our personal healing contributes to the healing of humanity. We identify our life challenges as healing opportunities by looking at life as a mirror that reflects a spiritual truth recognizable beneath our socially conditioned secular interpretations and assumptions of experiences. We recognize how our personal story relates to our cultural and ancestral stories as a metaphor for collective healing of the whole world, through our personal participation by waking up to our own spiritual consciousness.
About the Author
Jayni Bloch is the owner of Kanata Psychotherapy Centre ( in Ottawa, Canada. Her fascination with people and the meaning of life started during her childhood where she became a keen observer and contemplator of life. Jayni is married and enjoys photography as a hobby.