
by Gwion Iqbal Malik

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/3/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781452598727
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781452598710

About the Book

Transmission Z

What you are about to hear may shock you. It may shake your very foundations. The world around you is an illusion. A lie.

Right now––at this moment––your mind holds you captive. Your Spirit stuck in suspended animation. In a state of un-being.

You live and exist in a wall-less, empty prison. There are no doors. No guards. No keys. In fact, there are no chains at all.

For your mind is the prison and YOU are its keeper. A ruthless, sleepless sentry. Never moving. Never blinking. Always watching.

From the moment of your birth, you were fed a lie. A mean, hollow lie to keep you from yourself. To stop you from seeing. From feeling.

So effective was this lie, that you now refuse to listen. You embrace servitude. Crave it. And so I say, you are truly a slave.

Notwithstanding this, I shall tell you the truth––though it may not set you free! You are NOT a random chance of Nature. You are a God!

A powerful, holy creature of Creation. Beautiful. Perfect. Your body built for a single purpose: to love and create.

Your mind and your thoughts are the most potent and most powerful force in the known universe. Your Spirit is entirely indestructible.

You are a timeless, ancient deity able to do anything you desire. All you need to do is wake up. The question is, will you?

About the Author

Gwion Iqbal Malik was born in London in 1976 to a Welsh mother and East African-Asian father (Kenya). He grew up in Swansea, south Wales, where he works as a Probation Officer. He is a philosopher-poet with an interest in Spirituality and Enlightenment. He has degrees in Political Science, Criminology, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Law.