There are those dreams that stand out as dreams of great clarity, emotion, and meaning. I had such a dream when I was twelve years old. In this dream, a tall and beautiful woman dressed in a white gown of Grecian style approached me. Her long hair blew gently in the wind as she walked. Surrounding her were companion animals who adored her. The animals included a tiger, a lion, deer, and rabbit. Deep serenity and unconditional love shone from her. My body filled with peace as she sent, from her heart to mine, a ray of complete acceptance and love. For an instant, my entire being filled with feelings of bliss and joy. Unfortunately, I was awakened and my euphoria was shattered. I was distraught and closed my eyes again, hoping to recapture the dream. I was unable to do so and the dream has never returned.
Many years later this woman came to represent my Higher Self. Yet, even when we are given such a dream—one that provides a glimpse of our Higher Self and the love that resides within—we tend to see this part of ourselves as separate and unattainable. Too often we experience this higher part of us as “just a dream.” Although everyone’s path is unique, all of us who seek peace, contentment, and joy inevitably find that our spiritual journey involves releasing our fear-based ego-mind and letting our loving nature—as represented by our Higher Self—emerge.
For many of us, the spiritual journey includes books, workshops and spiritual counselors. The effect of this focused intent and diligent work usually results in a slow, although worthwhile, transformation. For me the spiritual journey meant emerging from a frightened, nervous person who worried about most things to a calmer person who experiences increasing periods of complete peace. While this current state of being is much more pleasant than that of my past, my desire is to experience, on an ongoing basis, those blissful feelings of love, unshakable serenity, and absolute joy that come from a deep understanding of my oneness with all life. In other words, I want to be my Higher Self in every moment in this life.
As part of my journey to experience the peace that I know resides inside of me, I have spent time periodically, writing in a journal. I would go into a light meditative state and receive loving, wise, and reassuring messages from my Higher Self. Eventually, through my meditations and journal writing, two beings made contact with me. These higher guides said they and numerous other high and loving beings had a message they wanted to share with the world. I received urgings from within and from others to channel this book you now hold in your hands.
The High Guides felt that a relatively short guidebook would provide a practical and easy means by which anyone can more easily obtain the “enlightened” state. At its core, their message is that all of us already have access to enlightenment. That part of us we call our Higher Self, our soul, or the term they use most, our “inner being,” is a being of love. “Enlightenment” is merely bringing that loving aspect of our self into this physical experience on a continuing basis. The beauty is that this can take relatively little effort because this is not about being “good.” Enlightenment is about simply being who we are, which is a letting go of all that we are not. Their message is an old one but begs to be told here again.
The World is Changing
These higher guides, who I call the Pegasus Group, verify what others have said about this world of contrast and duality. Throughout eons of time our world has served as a means to experience that which we are not (through the ego-mind that is based in fear) in order to more fully experience and know that which we are (beings of love). This ego-based world, you could say, is like a mother who teaches her child the difference between cold and hot through the presentation of contrast. In this case, love is more fully experienced through the contrasting expressions of fear and all of its associated emotions. Unfortunately, this exploration of self through duality and contrast has caused us to build and then destroy thousands of civilizations on this beautiful planet—our Gaia.
At this time in our spiritual and planetary evolution, the Pegasus Group says we will be exploring a different path—a path that will end the violence and suffering and bring forth our loving nature. Having experienced every aspect of fear available to us in this amazing world of contrast, the fear and suffering are no longer necessary. Our memory of these fear-based experiences will be sufficient. The veil of forgetfulness we have used each time we have incarnated in order to experience this world of duality can now be released.
We are all part of this next step of humanity’s evolution. The old paradigm of dualism and contrast is ending. The Pegasus Group, through this book, provides guidance, meditations, and exercises that will assist in this personal and planetary shift. They help us to understand and challenge our beliefs, monitor thoughts and words, and raise our vibration, while showing us how to become conscious creators.
One of the most effective tools provided by the Pegasus Group is a simple method of accessing our wise inner being to gain insight into past traumas, transform relationships, change our beliefs, or simply to guide us as we make everyday decisions. Depending upon the strength of our intention and how hard we work to raise our vibration, achieving a high state of well-being can happen quite rapidly or take an extended period of time. For me and most others on this path, our vibration varies from high to low depending upon our ability to release the habits of our ego-mind. As we become more aware of these habits, we learn to shift our perceptions from those based in fear to those based in love. Over time, we find that our energy is vibrating at a higher level and we are residing more often in the natural loving state of our inner being.
The Benefits of a Loving State of Being
As you follow the exercises and meditations contained in this book and become more aware of the origin of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions you will remember and connect with your inner being as I have. This loving state of being greatly expands your ability as a conscious creator, and brings you into the forefront of creating a new world based in love.
This new way of being is achievable. As you say yes to this shift in global consciousness, you say yes to your inner nature. The rewards for your effort are immediate and multiple. When you express the love that you are, you feel good. By releasing your fears, you tap into the creative force of the universe, which is love. As you examine and change your beliefs, you literally change that which you can achieve or create. And, through this change in your vibration (from a low density vibration limited by fear to a high vibration fueled by love) and through an understanding of how you create your experience, you become conscious creators. Your life reflects that greater harmony and benevolence and miracles become as natural as the stream that flows down the mountain.