Science, Belief, Intuition

Reflections of a Physician

by Lawrence Dh Wood MD PH.D

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/18/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781452549613
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781452549637
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781452549620

About the Book

While building a strong program in Critical Care on foundations of excellence and compassion, Dr. Wood used two methods of inquiry and knowing:

• Science looked outward with objective, accurate, reproducible measurements to falsify erroneous explanations.

• Belief looked inward for purpose and meaning, analyzing personal subjective issues, like God, which cannot be falsified for lack of a Godometer.

• But when verified by the still small voice or intuition, belief creates a spiritual source of knowing akin to the scientific method.

• Recent books like War of the Worldviews assume science and spirituality are antagonistic; debating which is better is like bringing a knife to a gunfight, for both sides are vulnerable to critique.

Science, Belief, Intuition shows how the strengths of one fill the gaps of the other, providing more comprehensive understanding together than either alone.

About the Author

Lawrence Wood was born and educated in Canada and worked for seven years in Winnipeg before moving to Chicago as Professor of Medicine and founding chief of the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the University of Chicago in 1982. He published extensively about cardiopulmonary disturbances in the critically ill and coauthored the highly regarded textbook, The Principles of Critical Care. A master educator, Dr. Wood consistently won teaching awards at the University of Chicago, and received three National Teaching Awards, including the Humanism in Medicine Award for his modeling and teaching empathic listening and grief counseling; two awards for outstanding teaching are named in his honor. Science and spirituality provide two complementary world views for Dr. Wood’s life and career; his memoir invites listening for the still small voice or intuition to verify one’s beliefs and create a spiritual source of knowing akin to the scientific method. He is retired and lives with his wife, Elaine, near their five adult children in British Columbia.