Canaries In The Coal Mine
A Journey of Discovery
Book Details
About the Book
While doing research on chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, Elaine Marie Graham realized she had gathered a lot of information that could be used in any health situation. Her wish is to share this research in hopes of helping anyone dealing with a health challenge. She started writing a blog in March of 2011 with the hope of sharing this research. She realized that it could be even more beneficial to write a book with practical tips and discoveries. This is her gift to all who have walked in the darkness or shadow of a disabling condition.
About the Author
Elaine Marie Graham lives in Fishers, Indiana, with her husband of twenty years, Kent. She has found the people there to be very warm and welcoming.
She started writing a blog in March of 2011. Graham decided to put this in a book, because she didn’t want anyone to have to search for the answers to the complex conditions of chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia like she did for so many years.
She recommends anyone who is newly diagnosed to seek out a physician who is trained not only in traditional medicine but also in integrative medicine. This includes knowledge of nutrition, biochemical interactions associated with toxic exposures, and new modalities of treating these conditions.