Tales From The Sand Hills

by Rosanna Hoppo

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781452503912
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781452503905

About the Book

A humorous collection of stories about life growing up in the Australian outback as seen and lived by Mary Seaton (Hoppo) of Tibooburra. With animals for playmates and ww11 diggers for her circle of friends, Mary grows up with a somewhat different take on the world. Raised on the road in tents and caravans, she’d lived in every state by age eight, Mary developed her own style and a dry sense of humor. Educated by correspondence, taught by her mother it was from her mother that she developed her ability to write. When most girls her age were learning to cook sew lessons and school, she was out with her father learning to track trap shoot skin butcher and survival. By the time she was ten she could track an animal for miles or shoot a rabbit on the run for her dinner.

A humorous sometimes bitter sweet story about her unique interactions and communications with animals and wild life in the region. Her book is a tell all tale of growing learning and survival in the harsh Australian bush.

About the Author

Rosanna Mary Hoppo 2010

Born Rosanna Mary Seaton in Pemberton WA. The daughter of a rabbit trapper (returned war hero) she grew up travelling all over Australia. She was educated to high school standard doing correspondence (school of the air). Along with her sister Judith Seaton was taught by their mother Maida. At age fourteen she was sent to boarding school in Broken Hill and left school at end of year twelve.

Growing up in the great Australian outback her parents’ based themselves out of Tibooburra and this she adopted as her home town. She married in South Australia and all her children were born in that state. Rosanna went on to become a truck driver until she could no longer do it and then became a security guard and worked up on the Olympic Dam mine. She started writing in her late forties.