God's Call to Service, Running or Redeeming?

by Winston Wilson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/18/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781452539980
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781452539997

About the Book

Spiritual Vitamins, Volume 2 is a daily devotional that is based on two books of the Bible—Jonah and 1 John. Jonah was an Old Testament prophet who tried to evade his divine commission to the wicked people of Nineveh by running away. We will discover in this devotional that in many ways we are just like Jonah.


God had to use painful measures to bring him back to the path of obedience, and thus he was able to fulfill the divine commission. In this study we can learn to avoid the missteps of the prophet.


1 John on the other hand tells us how we can be effective disciples by walking in God’s light in this wicked world. Love is the key to life and this should be demonstrated in our daily walk. Failure to walk in love puts us in the category of those who murder and grope in the dark.

About the Author

Winston Wilson was born in Oracabessa, St. Mary, Jamaica. Fifty-one years ago, while contemplating suicide as he traveled on a bus, he was gloriously saved. Shortly after, he became a member of the Ambassadors for Christ, busily engaged in witnessing for Christ daily on the streets of Kingston and in several other population centers across the island.

Professionally, he is a computer/draughtsman; theologically, he was prepared for ministry at Emmaus Bible School, Oak Park, Chicago, USA. In Jamaica, he has been active in the fellowship of the Christian Brethren and has held the offices of Deacon and Elder at the Maverley Gospel Chapel. His passionate services are in the fields of personal evangelism and community visitation. He now resides in Canada and is in active fellowship at Brockview Bible Chapel, St. Catharines, Ontario.