I Healed My Crohn's Colitis
Free the Mind, the Body Will Follow
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About the Book
This book is a collection of my life stories and beliefs and how I healed myself using thought and the art of meditation.
There was a time when I was so sick that I felt hopeless and fed up. I was not finding answers to any questions I had about my Crohn’s Colitis. When I got the doctor’s final recommendation that the only cure was removing part of my intestine and replacing it with something manmade (a colostomy bag), I realized I had to take a stand. I asked myself why my body was fighting me. I asked what in my brain was telling my body to attack itself. These are the questions that seemed to have no answer because I had no one to ask. I felt alone. Twenty years have gone by now and using meditation I have learned that the answers are within me. I am in the right time of my life and everything has come together to a point where I truly understand what I have done and can share it with you. Each one of these stories shows the power of thoughts of healing. Each story leaves you to ask the important questions of yourself so that you can find your own answers. This book is about healing from the inside-out. In this book I share my stories and a simple meditation technique that you can follow on your path to empower yourself. To learn more about me you can visit my websites: www.universalsourcehealing.com or www.ihealedmycrohnscolitis.com. |
About the Author
Bob is a person who is driven by his thoughts, ideas, and faith. From the day that he made the choice to heal himself he geared his whole life toward healing. When healing happened he truly understood how powerful a change of mind can be. From that point he made learning and wellness his focus and started to gear his life toward understanding meditation, energy and the art of living.
Now Bob has turned his life toward sharing with you the knowledge he has learned from his life’s journey. One of his most transformational beliefs is that sickness is not the real problem. How you think about sickness can be a problem or it can be your turn toward health.
Bob lives with his wife in a small town in Massachusetts. He teaches meditation classes and offers people his signature energy work Body Energy Balancing. Bob is a Godsend to people who have lost hope in ever finding relief from their illness.
Now Bob has turned his life toward sharing with you the knowledge he has learned from his life’s journey. One of his most transformational beliefs is that sickness is not the real problem. How you think about sickness can be a problem or it can be your turn toward health.
Bob lives with his wife in a small town in Massachusetts. He teaches meditation classes and offers people his signature energy work Body Energy Balancing. Bob is a Godsend to people who have lost hope in ever finding relief from their illness.