As we start this book, it is necessary for you to understand what is at the basis of all life, indeed what is at the basis of all that is physical and non-physical.
At the basis of everything is energy, energy and how it moves (vibrates), is what and specifically, an understanding here will make the reading, the content and the understanding of you, and life more comprehensible, and how to apply the knowledge contained in this book to all aspects of your very diverse and magnificent life.
If we start with what we know as the physical universe and begin to break it down, we see that within the physical universe we have galaxies, then solar systems, planets, minerals which are made up of particles, particles can be broken down to the atomic level, then the sub-atomic level and below that level is pure energy. It is at the sub-atomic level that solidity ceases to exist. At this level what exists is information and energy.
- from Chapter 1 of The Universal Power of You.
Having What You Want
All that has ever existed, exists primarily at the level of vibration, every vibration has its own frequency and vibrational frequency is the method by which attraction takes place. Everything that exists (events, circumstances, relationships, physical objects, etc.) has an opposite. This is a vibration-ally and attraction based universe, and at the base of this universe and all creation, is the co-creation and co-existence of all possibilities, and all of these possibilities (past, present and future) exist right now. Because you are vibrational too, just like everything else, all possibilities exist within you right now, so everything that you could every want, or desire, you have right now at the level of vibration.
The key here is to be aware of the opposites of the possibilities, and to only give your attention to the thing that you desire to manifest into your physical life experience. Remember you already have what you desire, to access it and manifest it, you must intend to only put your attention on the side of the thing you intend to manifest - a lot of people (unintentionally) put their attention on the opposite, or lack of what they desire, and because that already exists within you too, this is what they bring to the surface and is reflected into their physical life experience.
You could compare this to a console game, whereby all possibilities for that game exist within the program on that CD, and as you play the game you make choices, and those choices lead you in a certain direction in the game, either to a desired outcome or not.
- from Chapter 17 of The Universal Power of You.
Are You Your Own Best Friend
Friendship is the base, the foundation for all good relationships. This is the initial building block for all good relationships. Don't be a lover first, be a friend first, then a lover. Don't be a boss first, be a friend first. Don't be a parent first, be a friend first. Don't be a brother or sister first, be a friend first. When you are a friend first and then build on that, the relationship that you want will be strong and rewarding, because you have put a secure foundation in place.
However, in order to be a good friend to someone or indeed something, you first have to be a good friend to yourself. You have to be good to yourself and you have to be at ease with yourself and you have to put yourself first.
That means first and foremost your happiness comes first. In order to give something to another, you have to have it first, so if you don't put yourself first, then you won't really have anything to give to another...........
.............. When you put your relationship with yourself first and decide that no matter what, you are going to be your own best friend, the need to factor in others opinion about you disappears, your opinion on how others think about you disappears, the need to take action to comfort yourself disappears, because when you are happy with you, nothing else will really matter to you, because you feel good about you.
When you are at ease with you, there is no judgement in you, against yourself. However, when you judge yourself, you will judge others in relation to what you are judging in yourself, and others too, will then judge you in return.
- from Chapter 26 of The Universal Power of You.