Chronicles of the Green Dragon

An Unfinished Journey into a New Awareness

by Jen McCracken

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781452502625
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781452502618

About the Book

On the planet Evan, there is tumultuous change on the wind. The southern continent has been embroiled in a long period of war, and its ruler, Prince Stefan, has long been preoccupied with protecting it from the subversion of his wife’s family.

A diverse group of travellers—soldiers, healers, shape-shifters, animals, and extraterrestrial beings—experience a shift in consciousness as they interact with strange beings and powerful, mystical forces on the Arcadian Plateau who want to teach the travellers how to listen to the songs that play within their own hearts. 

Leading the group is Commander Ian Vandos, a battle-hardened warrior who is also a man of great gentleness and principle. His journey across the Plateau opens him to the vulnerability of love and to the stirrings of intuition. His ally, Marconious, a shape-shifter, struggles with the karmic responsibility of his race. When he allows himself to explore the hope offered through his wife, Jardene; their remarkable offspring; and the cleansing power of a new consciousness, Marconious finds a potential path to salvation. 

At centre stage is the magnificent green solar dragon, Zineac. Powerful, pithy, and just a tiny bit manipulative, Zineac directs events and individuals while just managing to avoid transgression of their free will. He appears with critical timing to act as their guide, protector, and counsel. Yet, in order to strengthen and transform them, the wise dragon will not hesitate to thrust them into experiences that are provocative and at times terrifying.

About the Author

Jen McCracken is an Australian author from rural Victoria. For thirty years, her passion has been enquiry into the Western mystical traditions and metaphysics, and her writing mirrors her spiritual quest. For relaxation, she gardens. Her background is in nursing and welfare. She is married and has three adult daughters.