The Creational Force 2012
A Virtual Truth of Reality...
Book Details
About the Book
As a new dimension of consciousness arises, the planetary alignments raise the vibration of all on the earthplane. The evolution of mankind is, once more, united in spirit and remembers the eternal love with which it was born …
About the Author
Alexandra Oakes is based in the centre of Norfolk, in the United Kingdom. Alexandra is a psychic-c medium as well as being a qualified i counsellor and neuro-linguistic therapist. Having been involved in a number of abusive relationships, Alexandra’s life took a dramatic turn when she developed a higher awareness of the problems and issues she had experienced along her life path.
Through her mediumship, Alexandra has channelled this book from an ancient Egyptian scripture, Autonima, who gives wisdom and knowledge of spiritual awakening together with insight of the vibrational changes for the year 2012.