Are you ready for new secrets that have never been revealed?
Over the millennia our personal self-capacity has eroded without us being aware. Within this capacity exists every self-purpose, also every personal self ability which has simply not reconnected.
Is this sparking your interest, or a contemplative view that we are not living up to all which is possible – our full potential?
This I have not only found to be absolutely correct but I have been astounded where and why all this self limitation has taken place and to be quite frank, gone on totally un-noticed, or in a space of unawareness.
To redeem this state of affairs, guides have shared many new intuitive natures that are like a whole body mass and ready to use immediately.
Put simply, it is so that no missing parts, which are presently in a state of separation, are left out when reconnecting.
This is one of the greatest sharing gifts of the new millennia; and yes this is to be shared with you freely in the form of keys and codes, not perhaps in the way you might be envisaging, with hieroglyphs, but with ‘light’ keys and codes.
It is imperative that these codes are not judged on how they look when seeing them for the first time.
As all whom have connected to these will testify, the strength of what you are to unlock is in how you interpret the vibrations and frequencies with the senses within your hands, not on how they look.
These keys and codes, while they may not look exciting, familiar or may even resemble a child’s drawing or ‘scribble on a page’, are in essence, a most powerful healing activation tool. Whether one understands the content of the book or how this came about or not, the significance of the automatic healing that occurs in simply holding your hand up to the keys and codes, cannot be overstated.
The healing will occur, the energy will flow and the consciousness shall be transferred automatically.
How you actually manage this opening of new senses is in the Instruction Manual on the web site.
You can access this free
Keys and Codes Download
and find the Instruction Manual of how to use them
as well as sense the light activations response @
If you are game enough to challenge some conflicting emotions in your life, then sure as hell, you are going to unlock many self-beliefs—the things you’re used to or don’t even question as truth. I guess we all sort of fall easily into this category, don’t we?
Have you thought that by following your own intuition you were, in fact, questioning a lot of your past beliefs, as though, somewhere in the depths of your innermost self, not everything added up?
Well, why else would you be reading this, unless whatever religious belief you hold or follow is missing something? Perhaps you don’t feel complete, or life feels challenging, to say the least.
In my case, I just felt that I didn’t quite fit in or, to be honest, even belong here. A lot of people I have talked to feel the same way, but that isn’t why I wrote this book. I must now say that I am quite happy, as I have found out why so many of us feel this way.
I also need to be quite frank and open about what is to be introduced to you. Why? I have pushed the envelope until it has exploded with a whole lot of new knowledge. Essentially, many old responses don’t add up now, since the discovery of many intuitions that had been buried for millennia.
How did this all come about? Well, I was shown how to think outside the square and, thus, how to connect to suppressed consciousness. Or perhaps you could think of this as consciousness that left us, and therefore we have not been able to access many self-abilities.
I was then shown that if you take away these self-abilities, a whole lot of self-purpose just flies out the window. This is why we are so unaware of the many missing parts that we haven’t been able to use or have been unable to respond to.
This is a bit like having a supercomputer but having no software to make it work. I have found this to be a fair representation of our selves at present.
To unlock this potential, I had to not only challenge myself but open many beliefs of self-faith that I didn’t know existed.
I was then guided to a self-resource of self-will that I had no idea existed in me. Remember, if you are going to confront areas that are outside the spectrum of normal thought channels, it is a somewhat lonely journey.
Thank god for family and friends—and of course, new friends who popped up when synchronicity was needed.
Before I sound like too much of a tripper, I do need to clarify that I have channelled naturally since I was a child, so accessing new or different information is more of a possibility for me; I have no aversion to new knowledge. Apparently, however, this knowledge is not new; we simply stopped using our many efficient abilities over many lifetimes.
This is where my journey has taken me, but for many different reasons.
Have you considered how this changing time we live in affects those of us who are so sensitive? It is impossible for us not to be affected. If you think about it, this is why you are reading many new spiritual books now. You want to understand why you are so affected, and many of the sources of information that exist just don’t cut it or add up or really bring in the self-freedom we are seeking.