“The Constitution of Our Soul–Destiny’s Deliverance of Our Soul Rights, Copyrighted” is the untold in depth truth of the journey of the soul’s awakening to the reality of living in two worlds at once, a physical world, Planet Earth and a Spiritual World, the Universe and the conflict these dual roles can create.
The book patiently and persistently winds its way through these unchartered waters, dispelling myths and mysteries on its path. Most of these ideas of life, summarily dismissed as fantasies, have probably been the mainstay of our belief systems for centuries. Despite the awkwardness of this, we may find that in reclaiming our lost truth, there is a pervading feeling of relief created as possibilities are illuminated of a new and invigorated lifestyle evolving into the super beings who we really are. These alternatives can only open in the demise of myths thus helping to create a Paradigm Shift to deliver us alignment with our inner truth.
By investing in the truth of our spiritual journey rather than accepting the illusionary perspective, we learn how to create freedom for ourselves from all types of harassments we may have previously believed impossible to shift. We can then breathe a sigh of relief as we read our way to discovering conceivable options for us to live our potential and what it takes to do that.
In this world of illusionary ideals we may have believed or lived worries, uncertainties, anxieties or fears of the unfamiliar because the simple truth of the power of who we are, may have been buried in all manner of dogma. The book opens a potential opportunity for us to unlock the door to all mysteries, which have captivated us in a maze-like state living groundhog days of our lives.
We can further discover the only true pathway to freedom is by delving within through the often neglected and enigmatic pathways of dubious origin. Our own inner truth the book reveals, is conversant with the erudition necessary to empower us to open up this vault of secrets, unleashing our inner force as we do. Participation in the treasury we have within can guide us to return to the euphoric space, our inherent right, once we reclaim our lost spiritual real estate. Each of these subjects is covered in depth within the book. Also included are life-changing techniques to facilitate the process of unfolding our wisdom. The reason these techniques can invigorate our life is because they are guided and instigated by the miraculous and transformational energy of ‘Spirit’ (Holy Spirit). We each of us have this endowment become available to us once we decide to invest in ourselves with sincerity.
The book shows us how we all must pass through the Gates of Awakening on our journey back to enlightenment. As we commence existence on Planet Earth and awaken to a strange environment, we absorb a step-by-step instruction, similarly our soul designs its journey back to its magnificence with juvenile steps, each of them specific, necessary, special and profound.
For those curious about the terminology-the “Awakening” is the Soul’s true birth or burst of consciousness, the first step in the system of evolvement each soul moves through each lifetime. It is when our third eye begins to open and function with insights. There is a system of ascending steps for this, as we gradually become more aware of a different dimension than the intellectual one we have predominantly been living in.
We may see, feel, hear or know Confused Souls are suspended around us whom we may be apprehensive of. Once we understand who they are, we can grasp why they are there and learn to invoke the spiritual support we have to buffer our energy from their engagement. Techniques for this are provided in the book in addition to explanations of concepts (misunderstandings) that can anchor these souls to us.
The book demonstrates how we have become desensitized through ideologies on our journeys (lifetimes) through Planet Earth and how such misadventures have helped create the maze we are presently living.
It touches on how we can assimilate mass consciousness behavior as if it was our own individual Plan. We can use such examples as following the same TV shows, wearing the same brand of shoes, listening to the same music, thinking the same thoughts, watching the same movies, reading the same books concurrently with many other millions of people around the world.
Because of this we may have less of a propensity to do some individual soul searching or to trust our inner truth which may feel drowned out by this stereotype life even though ninety percent of who we are is totally out of alignment with living these delusions.
The book involves itself in how each of us is unique and individual with a special message to share with our fellow man. It is this innate desire to manifest the individuality of our wisdom, which bubbles within us, and can influence us to strive to be appreciated or become famous in the absence of acknowledgment for our wisdom.
The book demonstrates for us factually that until we understand what it is, we may not have any real success in our life endeavors, make a name for ourselves, or find the elusive fulfillment, which only our own soul-discovery will provide the impetus for us to live.
“Wood burns because it has the proper stuff in it; and a man becomes famous because he has the proper stuff in him.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The energy, which surrounds us and everybody else, we are probably unaware of, we call spirit (or Holy Spirit); it feeds our soul, and is forever evolving with or without our participation. If we progress and allow ourselves to be challenged by it in our daily life, we will feel our inherent joy, fulfillment and contentment. The specific energy that our angels use to guide us is also explained in the Book.
If we are unaware or unwilling to change as it refines, the greater the disparity between our equilibrium and the level of refinement of the energy feeding our soul. Therefor the more intense our sense of anxiety can increase. Eventually this pressure can make us more sincere to seek answers to the questions spiritual awakening engenders.
As we develop, our angels ensure our evolvement is at a level we are ready for by guiding us through our life’s learning lessons. In the beginning they offer us small steps and as we grow in enlightenment, we are able to expand our awareness of a greater consciousness of planetary energy.
“Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.”
The mechanics of Awakening is covered in depth in the book because it is where all our spiritual conversations begin.