True Inner Peace comes from within. Come to the core essence of your being. Reduce external and internal clutter of the mind. Learn how to connect, expand and awaken your inner spark. You can remain centered in your true self no matter what occurs around you. This quote says it best (author unknown), “Peace. It doesn't mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” As you connect to Source you come from a place of neutrality and peace. When you do this you raise the vibrations of your surroundings and the planet. Thus, a natural spiritual and Kundalini awakening occurs within you.
Along with utilizing all the Laws of the Universe that you read in part 1, this section focuses on elements and guidelines that assist you along your path to self-realization. These are things that have come naturally to me along my path. Each of these elements have truly assisted in a peaceful balanced awakening thus far for me. You can work with these guidelines as much as possible to transcend peacefully. Of course, remember take what you like and leave the rest!
Finding True Inner Peace is as simple as drawing out the clutter in our outer reality and the clutter we allow in our inner reality. Inner peace is within us all. It is our true state of being. When one person can be truly in their center, it affects thousands around them. Somewhere around 60,000 people for one person that is in their center. Inner Peace is our connection with our Divine Spark. That divine part of ourselves that, which no matter what happens to us, always remains untouched. As you realize this place within yourself, you awaken more to it. Inner peace is a state of being. A state of being that you can consciously shift into. You just contemplate inner peace and it is there. It is hard to place into words what IS. When I am there I am in utter bliss. All of these thoughts and ideas that I share with you are methods of coming to bliss in any moment. Finding bliss in any and all moments is the key to lasting happiness and true inner peace.
“It’s not what we have. It’s what we believe.”
~ 3 Doors Down in ‘It’s not my Time’
Inner Peace is not dependent upon the conditions that surround us. It is, however, dependent upon our perspective. As the saying goes: Be in the world, but not of it. And my favorite quote from Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Be Inner Peace and you will see more of it. As you focus on that, it expands! You are the change you wish to see in the world. It is in all of us to create peace and balance on the Earth. As we do this within our selves, first, we are affecting the frequencies of the planet. One by one we each add up in numbers causing a change in vibration for peace and harmony. Don’t wait for someone else to do it anymore. It’s upon each and every one of us to feel and be peace. Once we find that within us (and it is within us all) we then emanate that out to the world. We are affecting change just by being what we desire. The vibrations of the planet will be affected as we do this. We are the Mother Earth and the Mother Earth is us.
I was reminded in a workshop I attended that the grid that is a part of Mother Earth is about four feet off the ground. This means that we are not actually walking on the Earth but IN the Earth. We truly ARE of Mother Earth. So as you affect changes within you, it truly is being felt immediately throughout the Earth. As more of us do this, the frequencies of the Earth and in ourselves dramatically shift to a higher vibration. Take time to be.
Yes, it definitely can be a challenge when we see the reality of difficult situations occurring before us from the ground level. If we can just rise above while riding the wave, the force of the impact is not felt as much so the ferocity of it will not be as tumultuous. Not only that, but if you rise above and live in your inner peace you are assists in creating peace you desire in the world just be BEING peace.
For me it is a natural progression where I am becoming more aware of my conscious shift into this state of being…One beautiful moment at a time. These moments seem to be speeding up and lasting longer. I seem to be able to remember this state of being more and more throughout the day, and as I remember I bring it to the surface and at the same time bring myself to this state. I become One with my true inner self, my divine spark, my connection to source.
Follow the simple and comical advice heard on the Dr. Phil show: “You too can find inner peace”. Dr Phil proclaimed, “The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished.” Someone in the television audience comments on the show: “So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Kailua, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now.” An example of where our sense of humor comes in. Humor assists us in raising our vibrations.
I'm finding more and more when I reach my Inner peace, my center, I am better able to not attach to an outcome and choose the best outcome I desire. It's a natural progression for me. And that no matter what is going on around me; I can remain in my center. My peace. As I do this, my outer surrounding naturally shift and change into this realm I am in. Whether it happens immediately or over time is not the point. It happens within you and that is what matters most.