Alpha and Omega

The Beginning and the End

by Ollie M. Garner

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/13/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781452550084
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781452554471

About the Book

This book describes the life and times of a young black man and his eagerness to prove something, not only to the world but to himself—that he was capable of material accomplishments. Mothers everywhere will be encouraged and seek out all the ways of their children and encourage them in the Lord. You may grow weary, but don’t grow faint. Pray and hold on, by all means., Don’t be drawn into their ways of sin. Ask Jesus to sustain you through it all. “In him there is peace,” joy, and all that you need to sustain you. It has only been Jesus carrying me. When my child left, my footsteps got slower, only to stop at the footsteps of Jesus, which is where I remain today. Turn it completely over to him. Once you have turned it over to him, “dare not take it back.” You will find you have not the strength to carry it alone. “Allow him not to lead you” but to carry you over the hills and down through the valleys. When you decide to look back, you will find that he had brought you through. When you need him, call him. He’s sure to answer.

About the Author

Ollie Garner is a sixty-two-year-old mother of three, a native of Lubbock, Texas, as well as a graduate of Texas Tech. She was encouraged to write her story after she remarried. She was divorced from her first husband, and the death of her son brought her to this point.