Just being still in silence, nothing happening
no concepts, idea's or beliefs. Just emptiness.
In an instant in your life where ever you are, what ever is going on
How ever you are evaluating your life, just stop and recognize that
everything you need you already have in this moment.
Pages and Pages of insightful material for helping you to unfold and open
up to your own personal power and to stop the search.
You are emptiness laughing.
Are you making a living or living a life?
I have come to the understand that things are not as they appear to be and we are not who we think we are.
That the limitations we but on ourselves are patterns of belief and habitual ways of moving within EGO land. We listen and absorb to much of others information or experience to see the comparison in our own daily experience.
When that comparison doesn’t match up we think something is wrong and that we have to fix it to become better then the other person. We want to be happy and we strive for happiness in all our experiences. That is the program here in EGO Land and you can never get rid of the program its part of the game.
The game is how can you entertain me, what’s in it for me. This place you are born into is a place to fulfill all your wants, needs and desires. It is set up like an amusement park or Circus with all its clowns, ring leaders, freak shows and scary rides and you are one of the characters in the park and you can choose what ride you like to be on. (FREE WILL)
You may be one of the people that hasn’t been able to get on the roller coaster ride of life but have been on the side lines asking others about what’s it like or you may like to sit and read about it.
I hope after you read this book you are ready to make one step and get on the ride even better jump to the front of the line and throw your hands up and let it all go. Just some words of advice about all the rides in EGO Land the more child like you are the more life will be able to move thru you to give you the ride of your life.
Some people are in EGO Land in a dream like daze, moving thru each experience (RIDE) to the next on auto pilot. They can’t even see it’s the same experience (RIDE) they have been on over and over again. Just the characters have changed and the scenery is different but the underlining experience is the same.
They are stuck in an experience loop, what is needed is to stop and step back out of the box to see how they keep repeating the same patterns.
I am here to bring your attention to the patterns in your own experience to say stop, just for one second, one minute just stop and look around you. My remembering started when I asked a question to myself.
Where is everything when you’re not thinking about it?
Because what you learn from birth is information and the things you know really deep down know are true without someone teaching you and this comes thru in a feeling.
I call it the (AH Ha moment).
You Are Born Awake/Born Knowing!! Your Unborn Nature Never Sleeps. Only your body sleeps and your being is awake and playing in every experience if you’re aware of it or not. (Out of Body Experiences)
Life is not a puzzle to be solved but a game that wants to be played. This is an invitation to stop what ever search you are on because deep down at the fundamental core it’s a search for happiness. Wholeness of what you already are, it’s not a process it’s a knowing, a remembering.
Knowing that you know, and isn’t it time for you to stop the chase and take a look around, we all carry this wound of separation from the whole. We try everything to fill it up and become whole again only to feel stuck or lost.
If you have been drawn to open this book you are ready to rest and allow yourself to give up. Give in to yourself, rest with your being and be satisfied with what is here.
You are the teacher and the student; you are your own healer and guru. What happens when you stop, just being still in silence.
Imagine this nothing happening, no concepts, ideas or beliefs, just emptiness. In a split second in your life, how ever you are evaluating your experience. Stop
Let go of the ultimate prize of spiritual enlightenment because I have a secret you are already that. So take a deep breath and exhale. Fall deeply in love with what you have and who you are. In this state of gratitude you are free to flow with life.
If you are still reading this you have exhausted the seeker in you. You are ready to meet the true you. You are ready to let go of your story.
I cannot give you a technique on how to do this just point you to it. I cannot tell you the truth of who you are because your mind with grasp for it or push it away.
Your EGO is a closed loop. Its job is to keep you entertained and the program of EGO Land is a surrender program.